Drawings depict the relationship between the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V), auriculotemporal nerve, facial nerve, and the maxillary artery (ma) and its branches. The auriculotemporal nerve arises from V3 from two roots (thin arrows). The middle meningeal artery (thick arrow) courses between the two rootlets, which coalesce, just posterior to the artery, to form a short trunk (★ in B). The trunk forms multiple branches with the anterior and posterior communicating rami (arrowheads), joining the facial nerve (★) within the parotid gland.
A, Coronal projection. aa indicates the anterior auricular nerve; iam, inferior nerve to the external acoustic meatus; sam, superior nerve to the external acoustic meatus; sta, superficial temporal artery; and str, superficial temporal ramus.
B, Axial projection. R indicates the mandibular ramus.