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. 2005 Mar;26(3):455–462.


Age-related change in brain volume in 83 patients with SCD and 43 control subjects

Effect Estimate* Standard Error P Value
Total brain volume
    Intercept for controls 99.34 3.36 <.0001
    Intercept for SCD 89.93 2.12 <.0001
    Age × controls −0.21 0.32 NS
    Age × SCD patients 0.51 0.21 .0162
White matter
    Intercept for controls 25.74 2.00 <.0001
    Intercept for SCD 23.06 1.27 <.0001
    Age × controls 0.18 0.19 NS
    Age × SCD patients 0.44 0.13 .0007
Gray matter
    Intercept for controls 70.95 2.59 <.0001
    Intercept for SCD 60.81 1.63 <.0001
    Age × controls −0.69 0.24 .0050
    Age × SCD patients 0.05 0.16 NS
Central gray matter
    Intercept for controls 12.64 0.66 <.0001
    Intercept for SCD 10.41 0.42 <.0001
    Age × controls −0.13 0.06 .0360
    Age × SCD patients 0.02 0.04 NS
Cortical gray matter
    Intercept for controls 58.49 1.98 <.0001
    Intercept for SCD 51.66 1.25 <.0001
    Age × controls −0.59 0.19 .0019
    Age × SCD patients −0.07 0.12 NS
    Intercept for controls 2.65 1.05 .0130
    Intercept for SCD 6.05 0.66 <.0001
    Age × controls 0.31 0.10 .0024
    Age × SCD patients 0.02 0.07 NS

Estimates of fitted model between groups.

The P value for the “Intercept for controls” and the “Intercept for SCD” tests whether the respective intercept is significantly different from zero. The P value for “Age × controls” and “Age × SCD patients” tests whether there is a significant effect of age in controls and patients, respectively, by testing whether the slope is significantly different from zero slope.