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. 2021 Mar 19;21:534. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10559-5

Table 1.

Demographic, Weight and Neurocognitive Variables for Full and Included Samples

Full sample: N = 314 Included sample: N = 184
Variable N (Percentage) N (Percentage)
Gender Male: 97 (30.9) Male: 47 (25.5)
Female: 217 (69.1) Female: 137 (74.5)
**Education (highest level completed) < Primary school: 28 (8.9) < Primary school: 20 (10.9)
Some Secondary School: 163 (51.9) Some Secondary School: 100 (54.3)
Completed Secondary School: 123 (39.2) Completed Secondary School: 64 (34.8)
Marital Status # Married/ Cohabitating: 138 (43.9) Married/ Cohabitating: 52 (28.3)
Never Married: 119 (37.9) Never Married: 98 (53.3)
Divorced/ Separated/ Divorced/ Separated/
Widowed: 57 (18.2) Widowed: 34 (18.5)
Employment Yes: 122 (38.9) Yes: 63 (48.2)
No: 192 (61.1) No: 121 (65.8)
Monthly Income < R1500: 46 (14.6) < R1500: 24 (13.6)
R1500 – R3000: 86 (27.4) R1500 - R3000: 54 (30.5)
R3000 - R6000: 77 (24.5) R 3000 - R6000: 49 (27.7)
R6000 – R12000: 49 (15.6) R6000 - R12000: 24 (13.6)
> R12000: 41 (13.1) > R12000: 26 (14.7)
Weight Perceived Correctly Yes: 209 (66.6) NA
No: 105 (33.4)
Underestimated Weight Yes: 92 (29.3) NA
No: 222 (70.7)
Overestimated Weight Yes: 13 (4.1) NA
No: 301 (95.9)
**Ever overweight/ obese Yes: 141 (44.9) Yes: 105 (57.1)
No: 173 (55.1) No: 79 (42.9)
**Weight changes in previous year Yes – weight increased: 69 (22) Yes – weight increased: 49 (26.6)
Yes – weight decreased: 45 (14.3) Yes – weight decreased: 24 (13.0)
No: 200 (63.7) No: 111 (60.3)
**Family member overweight Yes: 118 (37.6) Yes: 76 (41.3)
No: 190 (60.5) No: 108 (58.7)
**Told to maintain healthy weight by health-care professional Yes: 119 (37.9) Yes: 77 (41.8)
No: 195 (62.1) No: 107 (58.2)
Variable Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
*Age in years # 45.82 (15.62) 49.34 (14.97)
Range: 18.06–81.12 Range: 18.25–81.12
Waist Circumference # 91.13 (15.77) 95.37 (10.47)
**Body Mass Index 29.65 (7.68) 31.37 (3.95)
Self-Reflectiveness 3.41 (5.32) 3.32 (5.65)
**Self- Certainty 9.75 (3.39) 9.65 (3.42)
*BCIS Total 13.17 (4.94) 12.97 (5. 51)
**RBANS Immediate Memory 44.58 (7.87) 44.01 (7.85)
RBANS Visuospatial 32.25 (4.64) 32.27 (4.12)
*RBANS Language 27.58 (5.67) 27.61 (4.52)
**RBANS Attention 47.39 (12.91) 46.20 (12.77)
**RBANS Delayed Recall 47.65 (7.54) 47.23 (7.43)
**RBANS Total 199.35 (29.11) 197.11 (28.44)
**Global IQ (WASI) 67.33 (15.61) 68.61 (13. 54)
RFFT Error Ratio 0.17 (0.21) .16 (0.20)
Stroop Interference −1.58 (7.84) −2.40 (8.54)
*Spatial Span Backwards 6.07 (2.18) 5.92 (2.14)
Digit Span Backwards 5.29 (2.21) 5.25 (2.34)
Total Executive Function (z-score) 0.03 (2.47) −0.04 (2.48)
Total Neurocognition (z-score) −0.03 (3.13) − 0.27 (3.10)

Numbers may not add up to 100% due to missing values

BCIS: Beck Cognitive Insight Scale, IQ: Intelligence Quotient, RBANS: Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, WASI: Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

# Full and included samples differed significantly with regard to age, marital status and waist circumference

*: relationship with correct perception of body weight in included sample - p ≤ 0.10

**: relationship with correct perception of body weight in included sample - p ≤ 0.05