Table 1.
Catchment – Geography | Urban & large rural area | Urban & large rural area | Suburban |
Catchment – Population demographic | Older | Significantly older | Young but growing older population |
Hub Location | Day hospital for older people on the grounds of a model 4 acute hospital | Community hospital close to a model 3 acute hospital | Primary care centre close to a model 4 acute teaching hospital |
Pioneer Site Background | Green-field site (few services for older people outside of GP) | Evolved from integrated care activities for older people in the acute hospital | Creation of a community geriatrician post as catalyst |
Project Sponsors C = clinician nc = non-clinician |
The Programme funded MDT Members |
Referrals | From GP and acute hospital | From acute and community hospital | From GP and acute hospital |
Domiciliary Visits | Provided by social worker | Home visits and assessment provided by physio and OT | Domiciliary visits undertaken by all members of the team |
Governance | Weekly MDT meetings. Steering Committee meets quarterly; Working groups (for ambulatory care, rehabilitations and early mobilisation) meet quarterly | Weekly MDT meetings. Steering Committee meets bi-monthly; Implementation Team meets bi-monthly. | Weekly MDT meetings. Steering Group meets every two months. Multidisciplinary business meetings held monthly. |
Outreach Activities | GP educational meetings; roadshow to raise awareness among public health nurses, presentation at national Integrated Care Conference | Stakeholder planning workshop including patient advocates to map existing services and to set priorities for the year | Presentations to GPs, Nurses, at Integrated Care Conference, Attendance at Age Friendly County Alliance, Relationships built with Alzheimer’s Day Centres/services |
Next Steps | Secure funding for a dietitian, psychologist, pharmacist, speech and language therapist, and a community geriatrician. | Increase ICPOP services, scope supports for nursing homes (esp. for dementia patients), develop end of life care, frailty and delirium education and training | Support long term care residents through the development of a nursing home liaison service and recruit a dietitian |