Fig 1.
A 44-year-old woman presenting with weakness of the right arm and leg, clinically attributed to cerebrovascular vasospasm 6 days after SAH related to a ruptured saccular aneurysm of the left MCA bifurcation, which was clipped (bold arrow). DSA showed moderate vasospasm on the distal carotid segment and severe vasospasm on the A1 segment of the left ACA and the M1 and proximal M2 segments of the left MCA (A, black arrowheads). Maximum intensity projection (MIP) MSCTA image before (B) and after (C) intra-arterial infusion of nimodipine showing resolution of the vasospasm (white arrowheads), and followed by the resolution of the symptoms. At pretreatment PCT, MTT was increased in the left MCA territory (D), CBF was normal (E), and a slight increase in CBV (F) was observed, representing vasospasm related auto regulation mechanisms.