Figure 7.
EPDCs differentiate into vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells at 4 weeks after implantation. (A) CD31+ cells differentiated from EPDCs at the infarct region. The differentiated cells (arrows) are located at the wall of the microvessels. (B) LYVE-1+ cells differentiated from EPDCs at peri-infarct region. The differentiated cells from EPDCs (arrows) are located at the wall of the lymphatic vessels. Immunostaining. The large boxes are magnification of the small boxes. Scale bar = 100 µm. (C) Statistical result of the density of the microvessels. *p < 0.01 versus control group; #p < 0.01 versus Tβ4 group; †p < 0.01 versus SAP group. n ≧ 5. (D) Statistical result of the area of the lymphatic capillaries. *p < 0.01 versus control group; #p < 0.05 versus Tβ4 group; †p < 0.01 versus SAP group. n ≧ 5.