Fig. 3. Superlattices formed with different polyhedra DNA origami and AuNP are mineralized with controllable coating thicknesses.
(A) FCC superlattice formed by 15-nm AuNPs and DNA origami tetrahedra with the unit cell shown in gray and a corresponding DF STEM image of a thinly coated grain imaged in the (110) plane. (B) Simple cubic superlattice built by DNA cubic cages and 10-nm AuNPs oriented in the (100) plane. Intermediate silica precursor amount was used, yielding 15-nm-thick coating around DNA struts. (C) Model of 10-nm AuNPs in octahedral DNA units forming FCC lattice and BF TEM image of the coated lattice imaged in the (221) plane. The amount of precursor used renders complete coating and filling of space between the particles and DNA.