Figure 5.
One-way sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity of NMB (based on a WTP threshold of $100,000/QALY) to changes in top 10 model parameters; lowering the parameter indicated in blue, increasing the parameter indicated in purple. Postoperative (Index Fusion) to Revision 1 (Fusion) is the probability of revision without prior spinal fusion in the last three months; Index (Fusion) to Revision 1 (Fusion) is the probability of revision with prior spinal fusion in the last three months. Please note that the VBT revision probabilities were not varied in the DSA, as they could not be varied in isolation of other independent parameters; these probabilities were instead varied manually, and the results are reported in the sensitivity analyses section.
Abbreviations: NMB, net monetary benefit; DSA, deterministic sensitivity analysis; QALYs, quality-adjusted life years; VBT, anterior vertebral body tethering; WTP, willingness-to-pay.