Figure 4. Divergent recruitment of Sncg and PV INs during brain state transitions in vivo.
A. PV × Sncg double transgenic mice targeted distinct genetically encoded reporters to INs.
B. Fluorescent intensity (FI) in IN somata (log scale). Markers show individual cells, colored by FI ratio. N = 373 cells from 6 mice, 1 male, 5 females. Pearson’s R, p < .001.
C. Experimental strategy.
D. Example traces of a single Sncg and a PV IN. See also Fig. S3.
E. Event triggered average traces of Sncg and PV INs aligned to the start of running, along with the pupil diameter, running speed and face movement attributes. Traces show mean ± SEM values across all recorded cells.
F. PV IN responses to running (post-pre; pre = −10 to 0 s, post = 0 to 5 s) were greater than Sncg IN responses by 46 ± 2% DF/F, likelihood ratio test, χ2 = 294, p < .001, n = 469 cells from 3 male mice.
G. Response of Sncg and PV INs during run – stop events.
H. Sncg IN stop responses (post-pre; pre = −10 to 0 s, post = 0 to 5 s) were greater than in PV INs by 43 ± 2% DF/F, likelihood ratio test, χ2 = 372, p < .001, n = 469 cells from 3 male mice. See also Fig. S3.
I. Response of Sncg and PV INs during SWRs.
J. The SWR response of PV INs (post-pre; pre = −1 to 0 s, post = 0 to 128 ms) was greater than the response of Sncg INs by 6 ± 0.7% DF/F, likelihood ratio test, χ2 = 57, p < .001, n = 262 cells from 2 male mice.
K. Response of Sncg and PV INs to face movements. The events shown here were detected in the absence of running. Note that the value of the face movement attribute was also high during running (panels e, g, different y axis scale).
L. The response of PV INs to face movement events (post-pre; pre = −10 to 0 s, post = 0 to 1 s) was greater than the response of Sncg INs by 15 ± 1% DF/F, likelihood ratio test, χ2 = 245, p < .001, n = 469 cells from 3 male mice. Box plots show median ± IQR, whiskers show range, notches represent CI.