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. 2020 Sep 7;42(1):71–85. doi: 10.1057/s41271-020-00251-0

Table 1.

The direct medical costs of occupational injuries in Thai agriculture (2017)

ISCO code Occupation Number of visits Cost ($ USD) Cost per visit ($ USD)
611 Market gardeners and crop growers
6111 Field Crop and Vegetable Growers 1,453,938 24,915,162
6112 Tree and Shrub Crop Growers 33,512 937,364
6113 Gardeners, Horticultural and Nursery Growers 52,512 1,617,879
6114 Mixed crop Growers 17,509 276,758
Subtotal for ISCO 611 1,557,471 27,747,163 18
612 Animal producers
6121 Livestock and dairy producer 585 19,435
6122 Poultry producers 72 599
6123 Apiarist and Sericulturist 46 128
6129 Animal producers not elsewhere classified 33,296 669,478
6130 Mixed crop and animal producers 35,775 5,329,711
Subtotal for ISCO 612 69,774 6,019,350 86
621 Forestry, Fish and Aquaculture workers
6210 Forestry and related workers 58 843
6221 Aquaculture workers 607 41,421
6222 Inland and coastal waters fishery workers 6,854 126,950
6223 Deep-sea fishery workers 72 1457
6224 Hunters and trappers 85 1542
Subtotal for ISCO 621 7676 172,213 22
631 Subsistence Crop Farmers
6310 Subsistence crop farmers 24,436 2,567,311
6320 Subsistence livestock farmers 809 4672
6330 Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers 44,250 344,243
6340 Subsistence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers 239 13,474
Subtotal for ISCO 631 69,734 2,929,701 42
Total 1,704,655 36,868,427 22

Note Exchange rate: THB 32 = 1 US$ (Bank of Thailand)