Fig. 3. Overexpressing daf-19/RFX enhances IFT and sensory perception in the aged worms.
a–c Overexpressing daf-19c with its native promoter increases IFT in the sensory cilia at indicated ages. Representative kymographs, velocities and frequencies are respectively shown in a–c. For a, similar results were obtained in all independent experiments. Horizontal scale bars: 2 μm; vertical scale bars: 2 s. Exact sample size and p value are included in Source Data file. d Overexpressing daf-19c rescues the impaired DiI staining in the aged sensory neurons. Arrows denote the soma. The assay was performed in parallel with Fig. 1b. Scale bar: 10 μm. n = 66, 62, 59, 47, respectively. p = 0.0001(WT day 10 versus WT day 1), 0.026 (daf-19c oe day 1 versus WT day 1), 0.1092 (daf-19c oe day 10 versus daf-19c oe day 1) and 0.0008 (daf-19c oe day 10 versus WT day 10). e Attraction (2-butanone) and repulsion (2-nonanone) chemotaxis assays of indicated strains at day 1 and day 5 of adulthood. n = 4 biological independent experiments. Exact sample size and p value are included in Source Data file. f daf-19c overexpression improves the response to food in the aged worms. Note that a decrease in body bends upon feeding indicates the response to food. n = 4 biological independent experiments. Exact sample size and p value are included in Source Data file. Data are presented as mean ± SEM in b and mean ± SD in the rest. Two-way ANOVA in b, one-way ANOVA in e and unpaired t-test (two-tailed) in the rest, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns non-significant. Source data with exact p values are provided as a Source Data file.