Figure 4.
Analysis of the blinking behavior and nearest neighbor distance of schools of A. katoptron in Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia. (a) Analysis of blink frequencies of A. katoptron in the cave, at the reef flat and during avoidance. Blink frequencies were calculated by analyzing alternating light organ exposure and occlusion (cave n = 709; reef flat n = 444 and avoidance n = 478). (b) Mean light organ exposure and occlusion of A. katoptron in the cave (open n = 823; closed n = 761), at the reef flat (open n = 502; closed n = 445) and during avoidance (open n = 516; closed n = 478). Upper lines refer to stimulation as seen in (a). (c) Relative distribution of blink frequencies of A. katoptron observed while resting in the cave (c1), at the reef flat (c2) and during avoidance (c3). Bars represent histogram with bin size of 0.6 Hz. Distribution was fitted with a normal (Gaussian) distribution. (d) Analysis of the nearest neighbor distance of A. katoptron on the reef flat (n = 37) and during avoidance (n = 46). Nearest neighbor distance is given as standard length (SL). (e) Example still images of the videos of A. katoptron schooling during day in the cave (e1), during the night on the reef flat (e2) and during avoidance behavior in the night (e3). Figures were created with SigmaPlot 12.0 ( and processed with CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2017 ( Significance values are reported as: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Error bars indicate ± SEM.