Fig. 3. Virological results with preventive favipiravir therapy.
a Experimental timeline. Groups of 6 hamsters were intranasally infected with 104 TCID50 of virus. b Viral replication in lungs based on infectious titers (measured using a TCID50 assay) expressed in TCID50/copy of ɣ-actine gene (n = 6 animals/group). c Viral replication in lungs based on viral RNA yields (measured using an RT-qPCR assay) expressed viral genome copies/copy of ɣ-actine gene (n = 6 animals/group). d Clinical course of the disease (n = 6 animals/group). Normalized weight at day n was calculated as follows: % of initial weight of the animal at day n. e Relative lung virus infectivities were calculated as follows: ratio of lung infectious titer over viral RNA yields (n = 6 animals/group). f Plasma viral loads (measured using an RT-qPCR assay) are expressed in viral genome copies/mL of plasma (the dotted line indicates the detection threshold of the assay) (n = 6 animals/group). Data represent mean ± SD (details in Supplementary Data 2). Statistical analysis were performed using Shapiro–Wilk normality test, Student t-test, Mann–Whitney test, One-sample t-test and two-way ANOVA with Post-hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test (details in Supplementary Data 3 and 4). ****, ** and * symbols indicate that the average value for the group is significantly different from that of the untreated group with a p-value < 0.0001, ranging between 0.001–0.01 and 0.01–0.05, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source data file.