Fig. 3. Direct quantification of FcγRIIa and FcγRIII binding activity.
A Antibodies to CSP among Kenyan adults were tested for their ability to promote binding to FcγRIIa and FcγRIII. Bars and error bars represent the mean and standard deviation for each sample tested in duplicate. Representative individuals (n = 10) are shown to reflect the range of activities observed. Sera from malaria-naive Melbourne donors were used as negative controls (MC), which were lower than the Kenyan serum samples (Mann–Whitney test P = 0.026). B Correlation between FcγRIIa binding and FcγRIII binding in the Kenyan adult cohort. There was a significant correlation between FcγRIIa binding and FcγRIII binding (n = 104, r = 0.71, P < 0.001, linear regression). The solid and dotted lines represent the linear regression line and 95% confidence intervals, respectively. C Correlation between antibody-mediated binding of two different alleles of FcγRIIa (R131 and H131) using samples from the Kenyan adult cohort (n = 104, Spearman’s rho = 0.837, P < 0.001). The solid and dotted lines represent the linear regression line and 95% confidence intervals, respectively. D Correlation between antibody-mediated binding of two different alleles of FcγRIII (F158 and V158) using samples from the Kenyan adult cohort (n = 104, Spearman’s rho = 0.777, P < 0.001). The solid and dotted lines represent the linear regression line and 95% confidence intervals, respectively.