Figure 5.
Localization of a septal RVOT PVC origin site by the AAOL system: (A) shows the recorded 12-lead ECG of a PVC during the procedure for patient #12. The onset of one PVC beat was automatically detected (17); the user can edit the onset of the 120-ms window (rectangle box) if correction is necessary. (B) illustrates the endocardial EAM local-activation-time (LAT) map of RVOT for this patient, with the site of PVC origin (identified by activation mapping) depicted by the yellow star. (C) shows that the AAOL system was used to predict a PVC origin site marked in the blue patch onto the RVOT EAM geometry when using all recorded pacing sites of the PVC (Distribution #1), having a localization error of 4.0 mm in comparison with the actual PVC origin site indicated by the red star. Yellow dots indicate recorded pacing sites on the EAM. (D) shows that the AAOL system was used to predict a PVC origin site marked in the blue patch onto the RVOT EAM geometry after including up to 10 nearest pacing sites of the actual PVC origin site marked by the red star (Distribution #2), achieving a localization accuracy of 2.5 mm. Yellow dots indicate recorded pacing sites on the EAM.