Central Illustration. A New Intraprocedural Automatic Arrhythmia Origin Localization (AAOL) System for Localizing IVA Origin Sites.
(A) Automatic Arrhythmia Origin Localization (AAOL) was designed to localize the site of origin of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias (IVAs) during catheter ablation. (B) Localization of a distal coronary sinus (CS) premature ventricular complex (PVC) origin site by the AAOL system: (1) illustrates the patient-specific CS electroanatomic mapping (EAM) with left anterior descending (LAO) view, with the PVC origin site (identified by activation mapping) depicted by the yellow star and green ball. (2) shows that using the AAOL system to predict a PVC origin site indicated by the blue patch on the EAM geometry, with the actual PVC origin site marked by the red star. Yellow dots indicate recorded pacing sites on the EAM geometry.