Figure 1.
Modularity of the Integrator complex
(A) Schematics of the workflow used for identification of new Integrator sub-complexes.
(B and C) Quantitative mass spectrometry experiments showing co-enrichment of the potential interaction partners by each bait protein. The relative enrichment (compared with the INTS4 pull-down reference) is plotted against the average Top3 value, which estimates the abundance of each protein. A complete list of hits is available in Table S1.
(D) SDS-PAGE of the recombinant Integrator modules co-expressed and purified from insect cells.
(E) SEC of INTS5/8, INTS4/9/11, and INTS10/13/14.
(F) Fractions of the SEC shown in (E), corresponding to the absorbance peak as indicated.
(G) A schematic of the identified modules. The dotted line around modules INTS4/9/11 and INTS10/13/14 refers to the interactions shown in Figure S1.