Figure 2.
An overview of the INTS4/9/11 structure
(A) Experimental cryo-EM density of the high-resolution map, colored according to subunits and domain identity. INTS11 is shown in blue (β-CASP, dark blue; MBL, light blue; CTD1, cyan), INTS9 in red (β-CASP, dark red; MBL, light red; CTD1, pink; INTS9NAD, yellow), and INTS4NTD in green.
(B) A cartoon representation of the atomic model built into the high-resolution map; shown is the same view as in (A).
(C) Back view of the cryo-EM density obtained by processing the ESRF1 dataset alone, showing additional HEAT repeats in INTS4NTD and an additional density for the INTS4CTD and INTS9/11 CTD2 domain.
(D) A complete model of INTS4NTD/INTS9/INTS11 in the same orientation as in (C).
(E) Sequence bars showing the domain organization of all three proteins.
See Video S1.