Figure 7.
The Integrator cleavage module and HCC
(A and B) Front view of the structure of the nuclease heterodimers (INTS9/11 and CPSF73/100), showing overall good agreement between the two structures and similar positions of the INTS9NAD and CPSF100PIM domains (PDB: 6V4X).
(C–E) Close up and superposition of the CPSF100- and INTS9-specific inserts. The two independent chains of INTS9NAD are colored yellow (40–86) and orange (148–177).
(F) Schematic depiction of the differences in positioning of INTS4 and Symplekin in their respective complexes.
(G) Side view of the INTS4/9/11 complex.
(H) Side view of the CPSF73/100/Symplekin complex, shown in the same orientation as INTS4/INTS9/INTS11 in (D), highlighting different positions of INTS4NTD and SymplekinNTD.