Cav1.2α1 fractionates with OMMs and MAMs in semipure mitochondria. (A) Representative immunoblots of submitochondrial fractions before and after trypsin digest in semipure mitochondria isolated from WT (+) and brain-Cacna1c brain-KO (−) mice. Subcellular compartments are color coded as ER (blue), MAM-enriched (pink), OMM (light gray), IMM (black), and mitochondrial matrix (dark gray). Trypsin was used to digest synaptic and nonsynaptic mitochondrially enriched fractions; 1% Triton-X was used as a control to solubilize all proteins, rendering them accessible to trypsin digest (n = 4, combined from three experiments). (B) Representative immunoblots from French press disrupted mitochondria on nondisrupted mitochondria (semipure mito), mitoplast-enriched fractions, and OMM-enriched cell fractions (n = 8, combined from three experiments).