Fig. 7.
OsMYC3 positively regulates rice resistance to SRBSDV. (A and D) Symptoms in OsMYC3-ox lines (OsMYC3-14 and OsMYC3-23) (A) and Osmyc3 mutants (Osmyc3-1 and Osmyc3-12) (D) following mock-inoculation or SRBSDV infection. The diseased rice plants were verified by RT-PCR and photographs were taken at 30 dpi. (Scale bar, 10 cm.) (B and E) qRT-PCR results showing the relative expression of viral RNA (three different RBSDV genomic RNA segments S2, S4, and S6) in SRBSDV-infected OsMYC3-ox lines (B) and Osmyc3 mutants (E) at 30 dpi. OsUBQ5 was used as the internal reference gene and data were compared with ZH11 background from three biological replicates in a one-way ANOVA and evaluated at P ≤ 0.05 by Fisher's least significant difference tests. Abbreviation: S2, Segment 2; S4, Segment 4; S6, Segment 6. (C and F) Western blot to assess the accumulation of SRBSDV P10 in SRBSDV-infected OsMYC3-ox lines (C) and Osmyc3 mutants (F) compared with ZH11 at 30 dpi. Total proteins were extracted from SRBSDV-infected transgenic rice leaves and examined by anti-P10 antibody.