Isothermal titration calorimetry analysis of PFOA binding to hSA. (a) Representative raw trace (top) of the calorimetric titration of PFOA into dhSA and integrated binding isotherm (bottom); (b) Superimposition of hSA structure (white) with aligned hSA‐ibuprofen [PDB identification code: 2BXG], hSA‐CMPF [PDB identification code: 2BXA], hSA‐iodipamide [PDB identification code: 2BXN] and hSA‐warfarin [PDB identification code: 2BXD] complexes. The α‐helices of hSA are represented by cylinders. Bound molecules are shown in a ball‐and‐stick representation and colored as follow: ibuprofen = red, CMPF = yellow, iodipamide = green and warfarin = blue; (c) Overlay of the individual titration profiles of PFOA to hSA saturated with ibuprofen (red), CMPF (yellow), iodipamide (green) and warfarin (blue). Titration profile of PFOA to hSA alone is shown in black