Structure-based amino acid sequence alignment of MHC-I molecules of various jawed vertebrates and Anca-UA*0101. The first eight sequences belong to reptiles, of which the first five are lizards, and the rest are alligators and turtles (Anca-MHC-I: XP_016847233.1; Anca-MHC-I: XP_008122221.1; Anca-MHC-I: XP_003229696.2; Igig-MHC-I: ACD54838.1; Cosu-MHC-I: ACD54835.1; Almi-MHC-I: KYO38893.1; Crpo-MHC-I: AJD07067.1; Goev-MHC-I: XP_030403274.1; and Gici-MHC-I: AAF66110.1). The PDB IDs of the crystallized pMHC-I are annotated according to the names of the sequences. Species-specific characteristics of Anca-UA*0101 are shown in the red box. Residue positions contributing to the pockets are highlighted by pocket-specific–colored shading. The total amino acid identities between Anca-UA*0101 and the listed MHC-I molecules are shown at the beginning of each sequence, and the individual identities of the α1, α2, and α3 domains are listed at the end of the sequences.