Fig. 7.
TRAF3IP2-AS1 functions as a ceRNA and sponges miRNAs. a Schematic of the selection for the direct downstream target of TRAF3IP2-AS1. b–c The effect of TRAF3IP2-AS1 on multiple miRNAs expression in UOK109 cells was analyzed by qRT-PCR after overexpression or knockdown of TRAF3IP2-AS1. d–f The RNA levels of multiple miRNAs and TRAF3IP2-AS1 were analyzed via qRT-PCR in UOK109 cells after transfected with miRNA inhibitor, respectively. e–g The RNA levels of multiple miRNAs and TRAF3IP2-AS1 were analyzed via qRT-PCR in 786-O cells after overexpression miRNAs, respectively. h–i Model of AGO2-RIP/MS2-RIP assay. j RIP assays were performed using AGO2 antibody in UOK109 cells, and then, the enrichment ofTRAF3IP2-AS1was detected by qRT-PCR. k MS2-RIP-derived RNA was examined by qRT-PCR. The levels of the qRT-PCR products were normalized relative to IgG control. l HEK293T cells were co-transfected with miRNA mimics, respectively, and wild-type or mutant TRAF3IP2-AS1 luciferase reporter vector, and luciferase reporter activity was detected. m–o Schematic illustration of TRAF3IP2-AS1 wild type and mutation luciferase reporter vectors. The data are presented as the mean ± SD, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001