Table 1.
Number of patients and ventilation characteristics described in the included studies
Study | Sample size, no. | Tidal volume ml/kg | Respiratory rate breath/min | PEEP cmH2O | Plateau pressure cmH2O | Driving pressure cmH2O | Crs mL/cmH2O | Mechanical power J/min | FiO2% | PaO2/FiO2 ratio mmHg | PaCO2 mmHg |
Schmidt [17] | 4643 |
6.1 [5.8–6.7] |
12 [10–14] |
24 [21–27] |
13 [10–17] |
33 [26–42] |
26.5 [19–35] |
154 [106–223] |
40 [35–46] |
Grasselli [22] | 3988 |
13 [10–15] |
70 [60–85] |
145 [103–203] |
Gupta [21] | 2215 |
12 [10–15] |
80 [60–100] |
124 [86–188] |
Ferrando [19] | 742 |
6.9 [6.3–7.8] |
24 [20–30] |
12 [11–14] |
25 [22–29] |
12 [10–16] |
35 [27–45] |
80 [60–100] |
120 [83–177] |
45 [37–55] |
Botta [23] | 553 |
6.3 [5.7–7.1] |
20 [18–24] |
14 [11–15] |
14 [11–16] |
31.9 [26–39.9] |
17.7 [14–22] |
60 [50–80] |
159 [129–201] |
44 [38–51] |
Grasselli [18] | 301 |
7 [6.3–7.6] |
20 [18–24] |
13 [10–15] |
24 [22–26] |
11 [9–14] |
41 [33–52] |
16.8 [14–21] |
60 [50–80] |
124 [89–164] |
46 [40–53] |
Schenck [26] | 267 |
7.01 [6.13–8.1] |
10 [8–12] |
25 [21–29] |
14 [11–17] |
28 [23–38] |
103 [82–134] |
44 [38–52] |
Cummings [20] | 257 |
6.2 [5.9–7.2] |
15 [12–18] |
27 [23–31] |
15 [11–18] |
27 [22–36] |
100 [80–100] |
129 [80–203] |
Roedl [24] | 223 |
22 [20–28] |
12 [10–15] |
60 [50–80] |
Auld [25] | 217 |
34 [28–46] |
132 [100–178] |
Mitra [8] | 117 |
12 [10–14] |
22 [20–24] |
35 [31–44] |
50 [40–60] |
180 [148–216] |
Pandya [35] | 75 |
10.3 (3.9) |
24.4 (6.7) |
14.3 (6.1) |
37.8 (21.9) |
62 (32) |
162 [106–316] |
Cavayas [41] | 75 |
7.5 [6.8–8.7] |
20 [16–22] |
9 [8–10] |
21 [19–24] |
13 [10–16] |
48 [38–58] |
20.3 [16–28] |
50 [40–65] |
177 [138–276] |
44 [40–49] |
Zangrillo [36] | 73 |
6.7 [6–7.5] |
12 [10–14] |
12 [7–16.5] |
70 [52–80] |
110 [80–158.5] |
46.4 [40.0–51.3] |
Ziehr [28] | 66 |
10 [8–12] |
21 [19–26] |
11 [9–12] |
35 [30–43] |
182 [135–245] |
Sinha [27] | 39 |
12 [6–20] |
31 [27–34] |
24 [20–28] |
135 [113–158] |
Laverdure [37] | 36 |
6.1 (0.6) |
25 [24–27] |
13.4 (3.2) |
39.4 (16.9) |
65 [50–100] |
152 [112–240] |
Bos [34] | 38 |
10 [9–12] |
20.5 [17–23] |
10.5 [7–13] |
49 (24.5) |
131.8 [47.9] |
Haudebourg [30] | 30 |
6 [5.9–6.7] |
28 [28–30] |
10 [8–12] |
21 [20–24] |
10 [8–12] |
44 [35–51] |
70 [52–80] |
119 [97–163] |
Beloncle [31] | 25 |
6.0 [5.9–6.1] |
28 [26–30] |
12 [10–15] |
23 [21–24] |
60 [40–65] |
135 [119–195] |
41 [38–44] |
Bhatraju [29] | 24 |
25 [20–28] |
13 [11–17] |
29 [25–36] |
90 [70–100] |
142 [94–177] |
Diehl [32] | 22 |
33 [28.5–35] |
16.5 [16–18] |
27 [25–28] |
9.5 [9–11.75] |
39.5 [33–45] |
45 [40–58] |
198 [167–298] |
55 [44–62] |
Pedersen [38] | 17 |
5.6 (1) |
62 (20) |
44.2 (8.2) |
Roesthuis [33] | 14 |
24 (3) |
11 (2) |
42 (3) |
57 (15) |
162 (48) |
57 (13) |
Carsetti [39] | 10 |
14 (1,49) |
24 (2) |
9.5 (3) |
49 (9) |
70 (0.18) |
119 (33.6) |
Liu X [40] | 8 |
7.5 (0.6) |
20.1 (1.5) |
9.6 (1.2) |
23.6 (3) |
14 (2.5) |
33.9 (7.6) |
102 (27.9) |
41.8 (3.7) |
LUNG SAFE [50] | 2377 |
7.6 [7.5–7.7] |
20.8 [21.2–21.5] |
8.4 [8.3–8.6] |
23.2 [23, 24] |
32 [25–43] |
0.65 [0.64–0.65] |
161 [158–163] |
46 [45.4–46.6] |
Data are number, median [IQR], or mean (SD). PEEP, positive end expiratory pressure; Crs, compliance of the respiratory system; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaO2 partial pressure of arterial oxygen; PaCO2 partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide