Bone marrow CD11b positive myeloid cells were purified as described in the Methods section. A. The number of cells in the lower chamber of the transwell system in the absence (open circles) or presence (closed circles) of 50 ng/ml of recombinant NRG-1. n=5, **p<0.01; ***p<0.001, One-way ANOVA, Tukey's multiple comparisons test. B. Flow cytometric plots showing the percent of myeloid cells in upper and lower chambers of the transwell system after 60 min of incubation in the presence of 50 ng/ml of recombinant NRG-1. C-D. The effect of 50 ng/ml of recombinant NRG-1 on the migration of myeloid cells obtained from ErbB3MyeWT and ErbB3MyeKO male (C) and female (D) mice. n=6, One-way ANOVA, Tukey's multiple comparisons test. E-F. Western blot analysis (E) and graphical representation (F) of NRG-1 protein levels in hearts isolated from wild type (MyeWT) or ErbB3 knockout (MyeKO) males before and on day 3 post-TAC; Data are shown as mean±SEM, n=3, One-way ANOVA, Tukey's multiple comparisons test.