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. 2021 Mar 20;22:220. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05160-5

Table 4.

Listing of all unique measurement methods used to assess the most common outcomes in Dodd’s taxonomy physiological or clinical #6, ear and labyrinth category. Only those domains where there was more than one report of the outcome measurement method are selected for reporting here. See Additional file 10 for full details

Measurement methods (n > 1) split by outcome domains and type of method Primary outcomes Secondary outcomes
Hearing thresholds, investigator administered
  Pure-tone audiometry 10
  Pure-tone audiometry (bone conduction only) 2
  Soundfield audiometry 2
Speech in noise, investigator administered
  Bamford-Kowal-Bench Speech in Noise test (BKB-SiN) in four-talker babble, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 3
  Bamford-Kowal-Bench Speech in Noise test (BKB-SiN) in multi-talker babble, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Hearing In Noise Test (HINT) in multi-talker babble, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) in R-space restaurant noise, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) noise not specified, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Hochmair-Schulz-Moser sentence test in speech-shaped noise, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 3
  Leuven Intelligibility Sentences Test (LIST) noise not specified, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Oldenburg Sentence Test (OlSa) noise not specified, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 5
  Quick Speech-In-Noise (QuickSIN) test in multi-talker babble, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Speech Intelligibility In Noise (SPIN) test in multi-talker babble, percent correct 3
  Speech-in-noise test in speech (not specified), Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
Speech in noise, PROM
 Multi-item questionnaire
  APHAB background noise subscale 5 9
Speech in quiet, investigator administered
  Consonant-Nucleus-Consonant (CNC) word list 3
  Freiburger monosyllabic word discrimination in quiet, Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) 2
  Monosyllable test (67S test), Japanese version 2
Speech hearing, PROM
 Multi-item questionnaire
  Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) ease of communication subscale 5 9
  Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing (SSQ) speech subscale 4 9
Tinnitus loudness, investigator administered
  Tinnitus Loudness Matching 1 3
Tinnitus loudness, PROM
 Numerical rating scale
  Numerical rating scale (not specified) 2 1
  Visual analogue scale (not specified) 6
Spatial hearing, PROM
 Multi-item questionnaire
  Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing (SSQ) spatial subscale 3 8
  Spatial Hearing Questionnaire (SHQ) 2
  Spatial Hearing Questionnaire (SHQ), various subscales 8
Localisation, investigator administered
  Horizontal semi-circular array of 7 loudspeakers, angular separation 30̟°, localisation accuracy 2 1
  Horizontal circular array of 5 loudspeakers, angular separation 45°, localisation accuracy 2
  Horizontal circular array of 9 out of 33 loudspeakers, angular separation 5.6°, localisation accuracy 1 1
  Horizontal circular array of 19 loudspeakers, angular separation 10°, localisation accuracy 2
  Localisation from one or multiple loudspeakers (not specified) 1 2