Figure 6.
Limited cerebellar hemorrhage. Ultrasound scan in a preterm infant (GA 29 weeks) with a limited CBH (>4 mm but <1/3 of the cerebellar hemisphere). (A) Coronal scan through the right mastoid fontanel 5 days after birth shows a rounded echogenic lesion in the left cerebellar hemisphere (arrow), indicating intraparenchymal hemorrhage. The fourth ventricle is borderline dilated (not shown). (B) Repeat coronal scan through the left mastoid fontanel at 2 weeks after birth shows expected evolution of the hemorrhage (arrow), which is becoming echolucent, indicating early cystic degeneration. (C) Coronal T2-weighted MRI at 6 weeks after birth shows continued evolution of the hemorrhage with smaller cystic cavity that displays uniform central T2 hyperintense signal and thin hypointense rim (arrow, hemosiderin and ferritin). Surrounding cerebellar edema has resolved with local destruction and atrophy of that hemisphere. The appearance of high intensity on T1-weighted (not shown) and T2-weighted inside the hemosiderin rim stages the hemorrhage to the late subacute phase (extracellular methemoglobin).