Figure 8.
Measuring VI (A–C) and AHW (D–F) with clear ventricular borders. Coronal ultrasound scans in three preterm infants at the level of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. (A–C) Ventricular Index (VI) measurements (solid line) and reference aid (dotted line). The frontal horns are measured at the level of the choroid plexus as it resides in the third ventricle, also the level of the foramen of Monro. (A,D) Normal cUS. In (D), the reference aid (dotted line) is placed inferior to the actual frontal horn for illustration purposes. The lateral ventricular margin can be identified by its thin echogenic ependymal stripe (arrowheads) which is helpful to measure VI when ventricular reopening has not yet occurred. (B,E) Normal cUS. The ventricular margins are now easily identified for measurement when the ventricles become mildly distended with CSF. Normal thin uniform echogenic ependymal stripe. (C,F) Post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation in late stage after resolution of the clot. Note also the distended temporal horns of the lateral ventricles (arrowheads).