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. 2021 Mar 17;14:1203–1214. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S300275

Table 5.

Practice DM Patient on Diabetic Foot Self-Care at Dessie Referral Hospital, 2019 (N=344)

Variables Frequency Percent
Frequency of feet inspection More than once a day 30 8.7
Once a day 221 64.2
Weekly 93 27
Frequency of feet washing More than once a day 159 46.2
Once a day 24 7
Weekly 161 46.8
Frequency of checking feet drying after washing Often 90 26.2
Rarely 193 56.1
Never 61 17.7
Use of moisturizing cream on feet Yes 269 78.2
No 75 21.8
Frequency of putting moisturizing cream between toes Daily 167 48.5
Weekly 111 32.3
Month 11 3.2
Never 55 16
Frequency of wearing sandals/slippers Most of the time 121 35.2
Rarely 212 61.6
Never 11 3.2
Frequency of wearing shoes without socks/stockings/tights Often 152 44.2
Rarely 160 46.5
Never 32 9.3