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. 2021 Mar 8;12:631291. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.631291

Table 2.

Clinical trials using MSCs in OA.

Year References Sample Source of MSC Injection method Treatment group Result
2015 Kim et al. (115) 49 patients AT-MSCs Loaded into fibrin glue product to be surgically implanted into lesion site Patients received approximately same amount of MSC (4.3 × 106) via arthroscopic procedure Patients showed overall satisfaction with improved mean IKDC and Tegner activity scores. Regarding the efficacy of MSC implantation, it was concluded that there was a cutoff for both age (>60 years old) and cartilage lesion size (>6.0 cm2)
2016 Shapiro et al. (116) 25 patients BM-MSCs Combined with platelet-poor plasma for injection 25 patients were randomly divided into two groups. 12 patients had BMAC injected in their left knee and placebo in their right, while 13 patients were injected BMAC on their right knee and placebo in their left. The BMAC product had a median of 34,400 MSCs Significant improvements in ICOAP scores, VAS pain scores, activity level, and pain medication usage were observed from both placebo and treated knees. No adverse events were reported which ensured the safety of MSC treatment
2016 Pers et al. (117) 18 patients AT-MSCs Intra-articular injection in the knee joint 18 patients were divided into 3 cohorts with increasing dosage: 2 × 106 (low dose), 10 × 106 (medium dose), and 50 × 106 (high dose) Only the low dosage group showed statistically significant improvements in all categories of WOMAC index, VAS pain score, and KOOS index. The medium dose group showed improvements in some categories. The high dose group did not have any statistically significant results. Thus, there was an inverse dose effect
2018 Matas et al. (118) 26 patients (with 8 serving as controls) UCB-MSCs Intra-articular injection Patients in the control group received hyaluronic acid treatment and MSC-treated patients were divided into two groups (n = 9). The first group received single dose of UCB-MSC (20 × 106), while the second group received two dosages (20 × 106) 6 months apart Some patients in MSC treated groups showed acute synovitis after injection. No serious adverse events were reported. Improvements in pain and function with lower WOMAC and VAS pain scores was observed compared to the control group without any differences in MRI scores
2019 Freitag et al. (119) 30 patients (with 10 serving as controls) AT-MSCs Intra-articular injection Patients were separated equally into three groups (n = 10). The control group continued to receive conventional conservative management. The first treatment group received one MSC injection (1 × 108 AT-MSCs). The second treatment groups received two injections 6 months apart (1 × 108 AT-MSCs) The two treated groups saw significant reduction in pain measured by NPRS and WOMAC scores. MSC injection was also concluded to reduce the rate of cartilage loss upon MRI analysis. Although minor discomfort and bruising was common for treated groups, no serious adverse events were reported
2019 Chahal et al. (120) 12 patients BM-MSCs Intra-articular injection Patients were divided into four cohorts (n = 3). Each group received a single intra-articular injection of BM-MSCs. The first three cohorts received (1 × 106, 10 × 106, and 50 × 106 of BM-MSCs)
The fourth cohort had each patient receive the different dosages of MSC listed above
Although four patients reported pain and swelling after injection, no other serious adverse events were reported. Patients who received higher dosages of MSCs saw more significant improvements in KOOS, WOMAC stiffness, quality of life, and symptoms
2019 Lee et al. (121) 24 patients (with 12 serving as control) AT-MSCs Intra-articular injection Patients in the treated group received inter-articular injection of AT-MSC (1 × 108) in 3 mL of saline The MSC treated group showed significant improvements in WOMAC and VAS scores. Furthermore, the size of the cartilage defect was increased in the control group, while no significant change was observed in the MSC group. No serious adverse events were reported