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. 2021 Mar 19;41(1):31–38. doi: 10.14639/0392-100X-N1089

Table I.

Baseline characteristics of patients.

Characteristic Population ≤ 55 years
(according to AJCC stage)
> 55 years
(according to AJCC stage)
Patients (%) 116 80 (68.9) 36 (31.1) < 0.001
Mean age in years (SD) 49.2 (± 12.45) 43.1 (± 8.45) 63.8 (± 8.58) < 0.001
Sex (%)
Male 17 (14.7) 14 (17.5) 3 (8.4) 0.26
Female 99 (85.3) 66 (82.5) 33 (91.6)
FNC (%)
TIR1c 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.99
TIR3a 6 (5.2) 3 (3.75) 3 (8.34) 0.56
TIR3b 41 (35.3) 32(40) 9(25) 0.17
TIR4 26 (22.4) 15 (18.75) 11 (30.55) 0.24
TIR5 43 (37.1) 30 (37.5) 13 (36.11) 0.72
Surgery (%)
TT/NTT 110 (94.8) 78 (97.5) 32 (88.9) 0.08
HT 6 (5.2) 2 (2.5) 4 (11.1)
Laterality of tumour (%)
Right 48 (41.4) 29(35) 19 (52.8) 0.06
Left 68 (58.6) 53(65) 15 (47.2)
Anatomopathological reports (%)
PTC 106 (91.4) 74 (92.5) 32 (88.9) 0.49
FTC 10 (8.6) 6 (7.5) 4 (11.1)
Mean maximum diameter in cm (SD) 1.37 (± 1.89) 1.47 (± 2.2) 1.15 (± 0.8) 0.403
Stage (%)
I 111 (95.7) 80(100) 31 (86.1) 0.002
II 5 (4.3) 0 (0) 5 (13.9)
Microcarcinoma (%) 58(50) 40(50) 18(50) 0.99

SD: standard deviation; PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma; FTC: follicular thyroid carcinoma; TT: total thyroidectomy; NTT: near total thyroidectomy; HT: hemithyroidectomy.