Table 3.
Results of systematic review with cohort studies of COVID-19 patients—pulmonary function test
Author | Follow-up timing after discharge | Cohort Size, N | PFT abnormalities at follow-up, % (N) | Restrictive pattern % (N) VCmax % predicted < 80% or VCmax < LLN OR FVC % predicted < 80% or FVC < LLN OR TLC z-score < − 1.64 or TLC % predicted < 80% |
Obstructive pattern % (N) FEV1/FVC < 70% OR FEV1/VCmax < LLN % |
Diffusion Impairment % (N) DLCO < 80% predicted OR DLCO < LLN |
You [17] | 38 ± 13.4 days after discharge | 18 | 38.9% (7) | 16.7% (3) | 16.7% (3) | NA |
Huang [18] | 30 days after discharge | 57 | NA | 10.5% (6) | 1.8% (1) | 52.6% (30) |
Zhao [20] | 64–93 days after discharge | 55 | 25.5% (14) | 10.9% (6) | 9.1% (5) | 16.4% (9) |
Liang [22] | 3 months after discharge | 76 | 42.1% (32) | NA | 6.6% (5) | 19.7% (15) |
van den Borst [24] |
13.0 ± 2.2 weeks after symptom onset 9.1 ± 1.6 weeks after discharge |
84 | NA | 9.5% (8) | 15.5% (13) | 48.8% (41) |
Smet [25] | 74 ± 12 days after diagnosis | 220 | 54.1% (119) | 38.2% (84) | NA | 21.8% (48) |
Shah [26] | 12 weeks after symptom onset | 60 | 58.3% (35) | 23.3% (14) | 11.7% (7) | 51.7% (31) |
Lerum [27] | 83 [73, 90] days after hospital admission | 1032 | NA | 6.8% (7) | NA | 23.3% (24) |
Bellan [28] | 4 months after after discharge | 224 | NA | NA | NA | 50.4% (113) |
Huang [29] | 186 [175, 199] days after symptom onset | 349 | NA | 16.0% (56) | 6.3% (22) | 32.7% (114) |
Value is shown as mean ± SD or median [Q1, Q3]. Abbreviations: PFT pulmonary function test, LLN lower limit of normal, VC vital capacity, FVC forced vital capacity, TLC total lung capacity, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, DLCO diffusion capacity of the lungs for carbon, NA non-applicable. Studies are in order of publication date