Inadequate baseline abbreviated MRI examination associated with higher
integrated Model for End-stage Liver Disease (iMELD) and Child-Pugh (CP)
scores: iMELD scores and CP scores were tabulated from laboratory data
acquired within 6 months of baseline abbreviated MRI. (a)
Box-and-whisker plot shows the mean iMELD score for patients with
inadequate baseline gadoxetate-enhanced abbreviated MRI was
significantly higher than the mean score of patients with negative
baseline scans. A similar trend was noted between negative and both
positive and subthreshold baseline studies but this failed to reach
statistical significance. No significant difference existed between the
positive, negative, and subthreshold groups. (b)
Box-and-whisker plot show the mean CP score for patients with inadequate
baseline gadoxetate-enhanced abbreviated MRI was significantly higher
than the mean score of patients with negative baseline scans. A similar
trend was noted between negative and both positive and subthreshold
baseline studies, but this failed to reach statistical significance. No
significant difference existed between the positive, negative, and
subthreshold groups. I = inadequate baseline gadoxetate-enhanced
abbreviated MRI, N = negative baseline gadoxetate-enhanced
abbreviated MRI, P = positive baseline gadoxetate-enhanced
abbreviated MRI, S = subthreshold baseline abbreviated MRI.
** = P < .01.