Figure 1.
Pedigrees, YWHAG mutations and EEG changes in the proband. (A) Pedigrees of the families with YWHAG mutations. Individuals with mutation are indicated by m/+, and those negative for mutation are indicated by +/+. (B) Sequencing chromatograms of c.124C>T and c.373A>G. (C) The amino acid sequence alignment of 14-3-3γ showed that the residue Lys125 was highly conserved in various species. (D) Ictal EEG changes in the proband with mutation Arg42Ter showed myoclonic seizures with generalized irregular polyspike-and-slow waves (obtained at the age of 1 year). (E) Interictal EEG changes in the proband with mutation Lys125Glu showed generalized spike-and-slow waves (obtained at the age of 2 years).