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. 2021 Mar 8;36(11):e76. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e76

Table 2. Comparison of mean hand grip and leg muscle strength between general population and hemodialysis patients.

Age Hand grip strength, kg Leg muscle strength, kg
General population Hemodialysis patients General population Hemodialysis patients
Malea Femalea Male Female Maleb Femaleb Male Female
20–29 41.3 (329) 24.4 (339) 35.1 (7) 21.8 (6)
30–39 44.4 (298) 26.2 (416) 22.3 (2) 23.4 (4) 33.6 (23) 22.7 (28) 64.7 (1) 24.8 (4)
40–49 43.7 (367) 28.6 (464) 31.8 (8) 16.6 (3) 32.4 (24) 23.2 (19) 33.4 (8) 23.8 (3)
50–59 40.6 (423) 24.7 (548) 26.4 (22) 16.2 (4) 32.0 (26) 22.5 (20) 34.7 (21) 24.1 (3)
60–69 37.8 (330) 23.3 (405) 27.3 (21) 17.2 (9) 32.7 (46) 25.9 (75) 32.7 (18) 18.5 (7)
70–79 31.2 (204) 20.2 (252) 20.1 (19) 17.2 (7) 36.2 (81) 26.1 (91) 25.1 (16) 20.2 (6)
≥ 80 26.9 (56) 16.7 (191) 23.5 (7) 9.4 (1) 36.2 (10) 19.7 (6) 22.2 (6) 13.0 (1)

Data are presented as mean (number).

aSource: Each value means the average of age-specific hand grip strength using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) VI-3 (2015) survey. bSource: Takei Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd., Niigata, Japan presented. ‘Participants from Department of physical education and department of public health, Gifu University, Japan.’