Table 1.
∗Barcode label will have to be made available on every bag or container as per CPCB guidelines.
∗∗For disinfection of BMWM articles freshly prepared 1–2% Sodium hypochlorite is recommended.
∗∗∗1% Sodium hypochlorite is 1:100 dilution (525–615 ppm of available chlorine).
∗∗∗∗Hospital supply of sodium hypochlorite is 10% or 4% (please see label and manufacturers instructions).
∗∗∗∗∗All lab waste: patient's samples, blood bags, toxins, live and attenuated vaccines, cultures (liq/solid), devices used to transfer cultures need pretreatment by autoclaving/microwaving/hydroclaving etc-then their respective category plastic (red)/glass (blue).