Table. Parental and Offspring Characteristics by Maternal HDP Status, Stratified by Cohort.
Characteristic | No. (%)a | |||
1987-1996 Birth cohort (n = 1 085 024) | Military conscription cohort (n = 285 901) | |||
No HDP (1 042 044 [96.0]) | HDP (42 980 [4.0]) | No HDP (271 386 [94.9]) | HDP (14 515 [5.1]) | |
Maternal age, y | ||||
<20 | 27 160 (2.6) | 1276 (3.0) | 7856 (2.9) | 519 (3.6) |
20-24 | 224 933 (21.6) | 9943 (23.1) | 62 289 (23.0) | 3575 (24.6) |
25-29 | 391 183 (37.5) | 14 723 (34.3) | 102 161 (37.6) | 4964 (34.2) |
30-34 | 274 169 (26.3) | 10 439 (24.3) | 69 226 (25.5) | 3453 (23.8) |
≥35 | 124 599 (12.0) | 6599 (15.4) | 29 854 (11.0) | 2004 (13.8) |
Mean (SD) | 28.3 (5.0) | 28.5 (5.5) | 28.0 (5.0) | 28.1 (5.5) |
Maternal height, cm | ||||
<155 | 24 707 (3.0) | 973 (2.8) | 5371 (2.7) | 273 (2.5) |
155-164 | 297 326 (36.2) | 12 701 (36.8) | 74 083 (36.7) | 4102 (37.5) |
165-174 | 429 557 (52.4) | 17 973 (52.0) | 106 947 (53.0) | 5744 (52.6) |
≥175 | 68 735 (8.4) | 2891 (8.4) | 15 269 (7.6) | 808 (7.4) |
Mean (SD) | 166.1 (6.1) | 166.1 (6.1) | 166.1 (6.0) | 166.0 (6.0) |
Missing | 221 719 (21.3) | 8442 (19.6) | 69 716 (25.7) | 3588 (24.7) |
Maternal BMI | ||||
<18.5 | 31 018 (5.0) | 767 (2.9) | 13 048 (7.8) | 400 (4.3) |
18.5-24.9 | 448 425 (71.9) | 15 484 (58.3) | 131 117 (78.8) | 6425 (69.2) |
25.0-29.9 | 112 412 (18.0) | 7062 (26.6) | 19 028 (11.4) | 1961 (21.1) |
≥30.0 | 31 860 (5.1) | 3268 (12.3) | 3135 (1.9) | 497 (5.4) |
Mean (SD) | 23.1 (3.6) | 24.7 (4.5) | 21.9 (3.0) | 23.3 (3.6) |
Missing | 418 329 (40.1) | 16 399 (38.2) | 105 058 (38.7) | 5232 (36.0) |
Maternal parity | ||||
Nulliparous | 421 601 (40.5) | 25 123 (58.5) | 111 430 (41.1) | 8113 (55.9) |
1 | 380 155 (36.5) | 10 355 (24.1) | 99 041 (36.5) | 3743 (25.8) |
2 | 167 406 (16.1) | 4940 (11.5) | 44 884 (16.5) | 1837 (12.7) |
≥3 | 72 882 (7.0) | 2562 (6.0) | 16 031 (5.9) | 822 (5.7) |
Maternal smoking in early pregnancy | ||||
No | 756 680 (77.1) | 34 120 (84.2) | 175 207 (73.0) | 10 190 (79.4) |
1-10 Cigarettes/d | 140 402 (14.3) | 4132 (10.2) | 40 471 (16.9) | 1690 (13.2) |
>10 Cigarettes/d | 84 454 (8.6) | 2279 (5.6) | 24 360 (10.1) | 956 (7.4) |
Missing | 60 508 (5.8) | 2449 (5.7) | 31 348 (11.6) | 1679 (11.6) |
Maternal pregestational diabetes | 500 (0.0) | 88 (0.2) | 1097 (0.4) | 131 (0.9) |
Other conditions complicating pregnancy, birth, or the puerperium | 42 984 (4.1) | 3207 (7.5) | 4398 (3.8) | 287 (6.0) |
Missing | 0 | 0 | 155 291 (57.2) | 9748 (67.2) |
Parental educational level | ||||
Compulsory up to 9 y | 77 418 (7.7) | 2975 (7.1) | 19 833 (7.5) | 1119 (7.8) |
Secondary | 569 588 (56.6) | 24 281 (58.0) | 137 589 (51.7) | 7484 (52.5) |
Postsecondary | 358 589 (35.7) | 14 610 (34.9) | 108 595 (40.8) | 5658 (39.7) |
Missing | 36 449 (3.5) | 1114 (2.6) | 5369 (2.0) | 254 (1.7) |
Parental occupational classification | ||||
Low | 454 686 (46.8) | 19 119 (47.0) | 101 348 (39.0) | 5383 (38.7) |
Intermediate | 204 987 (21.1) | 8862 (21.8) | 57 228 (22.0) | 3234 (23.2) |
High | 312 024 (32.1) | 12 735 (31.3) | 101 156 (38.9) | 5296 (38.1) |
Missing | 70 347 (6.8) | 2264 (5.3) | 11 654 (4.3) | 602 (4.1) |
Maternal marital status | ||||
Unmarried | 531 164 (51.2) | 23 683 (55.3) | 69 397 (25.6) | 3574 (24.7) |
Married | 475 964 (45.9) | 18 011 (42.1) | 188 619 (69.6) | 10 244 (70.7) |
Divorced or widowed | 29 539 (2.8) | 1136 (2.7) | 12 854 (4.7) | 670 (4.6) |
Missing | 5377 (0.5) | 150 (0.3) | 516 (0.2) | 27 (0.2) |
Offspring sex | ||||
Male | 534 393 (51.3) | 22 519 (52.4) | 271 386 (100) | 14 515 (100) |
Female | 507 651 (48.7) | 20 461 (47.6) | 0 | 0 |
Offspring birth weight, kg | ||||
<2.50 | 28 716 (2.8) | 7381 (17.2) | 6358 (2.4) | 1498 (10.4) |
2.50–3.99 | 813 138 (78.2) | 29 635 (69.1) | 203 855 (75.5) | 10 190 (70.6) |
≥4.00 | 198 274 (19.1) | 5846 (13.6) | 59 868 (22.2) | 2747 (19.0) |
Mean (SD) | 3549.3 (539.8) | 3193.6 (801.8) | 3604.2 (534.0) | 3397.2 (712.7) |
Missing | 1916 (0.2) | 118 (0.3) | 1305 (0.5) | 80 (0.6) |
Offspring gestational age at birth, wk | ||||
28-31 | 5201 (0.5) | 1496 (3.5) | 1063 (0.4) | 181 (1.3) |
32-36 | 41 769 (4.0) | 6134 (14.3) | 11 966 (4.4) | 1520 (10.5) |
37-41 | 918 582 (88.3) | 33 399 (77.8) | 237 002 (87.6) | 12 018 (83.0) |
≥42 | 74 764 (7.2) | 1878 (4.4) | 20 410 (7.5) | 757 (5.2) |
Mean (SD) | 39.4 (1.8) | 38.3 (2.7) | 39.4 (1.7) | 38.8 (2.2) |
Missing | 1728 (0.2) | 73 (0.2) | 945 (0.3) | 39 (0.3) |
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); HDP, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
For all variables, No. (%) and mean (SD) values are given only for offspring with no missing values to facilitate comparison by maternal HDP.