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. 2021 Mar 22;175(6):1–9. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.6856

Table. Parental and Offspring Characteristics by Maternal HDP Status, Stratified by Cohort.

Characteristic No. (%)a
1987-1996 Birth cohort (n = 1 085 024) Military conscription cohort (n = 285 901)
No HDP (1 042 044 [96.0]) HDP (42 980 [4.0]) No HDP (271 386 [94.9]) HDP (14 515 [5.1])
Maternal age, y
<20 27 160 (2.6) 1276 (3.0) 7856 (2.9) 519 (3.6)
20-24 224 933 (21.6) 9943 (23.1) 62 289 (23.0) 3575 (24.6)
25-29 391 183 (37.5) 14 723 (34.3) 102 161 (37.6) 4964 (34.2)
30-34 274 169 (26.3) 10 439 (24.3) 69 226 (25.5) 3453 (23.8)
≥35 124 599 (12.0) 6599 (15.4) 29 854 (11.0) 2004 (13.8)
Mean (SD) 28.3 (5.0) 28.5 (5.5) 28.0 (5.0) 28.1 (5.5)
Maternal height, cm
<155 24 707 (3.0) 973 (2.8) 5371 (2.7) 273 (2.5)
155-164 297 326 (36.2) 12 701 (36.8) 74 083 (36.7) 4102 (37.5)
165-174 429 557 (52.4) 17 973 (52.0) 106 947 (53.0) 5744 (52.6)
≥175 68 735 (8.4) 2891 (8.4) 15 269 (7.6) 808 (7.4)
Mean (SD) 166.1 (6.1) 166.1 (6.1) 166.1 (6.0) 166.0 (6.0)
Missing 221 719 (21.3) 8442 (19.6) 69 716 (25.7) 3588 (24.7)
Maternal BMI
<18.5 31 018 (5.0) 767 (2.9) 13 048 (7.8) 400 (4.3)
18.5-24.9 448 425 (71.9) 15 484 (58.3) 131 117 (78.8) 6425 (69.2)
25.0-29.9 112 412 (18.0) 7062 (26.6) 19 028 (11.4) 1961 (21.1)
≥30.0 31 860 (5.1) 3268 (12.3) 3135 (1.9) 497 (5.4)
Mean (SD) 23.1 (3.6) 24.7 (4.5) 21.9 (3.0) 23.3 (3.6)
Missing 418 329 (40.1) 16 399 (38.2) 105 058 (38.7) 5232 (36.0)
Maternal parity
Nulliparous 421 601 (40.5) 25 123 (58.5) 111 430 (41.1) 8113 (55.9)
1 380 155 (36.5) 10 355 (24.1) 99 041 (36.5) 3743 (25.8)
2 167 406 (16.1) 4940 (11.5) 44 884 (16.5) 1837 (12.7)
≥3 72 882 (7.0) 2562 (6.0) 16 031 (5.9) 822 (5.7)
Maternal smoking in early pregnancy
No 756 680 (77.1) 34 120 (84.2) 175 207 (73.0) 10 190 (79.4)
1-10 Cigarettes/d 140 402 (14.3) 4132 (10.2) 40 471 (16.9) 1690 (13.2)
>10 Cigarettes/d 84 454 (8.6) 2279 (5.6) 24 360 (10.1) 956 (7.4)
Missing 60 508 (5.8) 2449 (5.7) 31 348 (11.6) 1679 (11.6)
Maternal pregestational diabetes 500 (0.0) 88 (0.2) 1097 (0.4) 131 (0.9)
Other conditions complicating pregnancy, birth, or the puerperium 42 984 (4.1) 3207 (7.5) 4398 (3.8) 287 (6.0)
Missing 0 0 155 291 (57.2) 9748 (67.2)
Parental educational level
Compulsory up to 9 y 77 418 (7.7) 2975 (7.1) 19 833 (7.5) 1119 (7.8)
Secondary 569 588 (56.6) 24 281 (58.0) 137 589 (51.7) 7484 (52.5)
Postsecondary 358 589 (35.7) 14 610 (34.9) 108 595 (40.8) 5658 (39.7)
Missing 36 449 (3.5) 1114 (2.6) 5369 (2.0) 254 (1.7)
Parental occupational classification
Low 454 686 (46.8) 19 119 (47.0) 101 348 (39.0) 5383 (38.7)
Intermediate 204 987 (21.1) 8862 (21.8) 57 228 (22.0) 3234 (23.2)
High 312 024 (32.1) 12 735 (31.3) 101 156 (38.9) 5296 (38.1)
Missing 70 347 (6.8) 2264 (5.3) 11 654 (4.3) 602 (4.1)
Maternal marital status
Unmarried 531 164 (51.2) 23 683 (55.3) 69 397 (25.6) 3574 (24.7)
Married 475 964 (45.9) 18 011 (42.1) 188 619 (69.6) 10 244 (70.7)
Divorced or widowed 29 539 (2.8) 1136 (2.7) 12 854 (4.7) 670 (4.6)
Missing 5377 (0.5) 150 (0.3) 516 (0.2) 27 (0.2)
Offspring sex
Male 534 393 (51.3) 22 519 (52.4) 271 386 (100) 14 515 (100)
Female 507 651 (48.7) 20 461 (47.6) 0 0
Offspring birth weight, kg
<2.50 28 716 (2.8) 7381 (17.2) 6358 (2.4) 1498 (10.4)
2.50–3.99 813 138 (78.2) 29 635 (69.1) 203 855 (75.5) 10 190 (70.6)
≥4.00 198 274 (19.1) 5846 (13.6) 59 868 (22.2) 2747 (19.0)
Mean (SD) 3549.3 (539.8) 3193.6 (801.8) 3604.2 (534.0) 3397.2 (712.7)
Missing 1916 (0.2) 118 (0.3) 1305 (0.5) 80 (0.6)
Offspring gestational age at birth, wk
28-31 5201 (0.5) 1496 (3.5) 1063 (0.4) 181 (1.3)
32-36 41 769 (4.0) 6134 (14.3) 11 966 (4.4) 1520 (10.5)
37-41 918 582 (88.3) 33 399 (77.8) 237 002 (87.6) 12 018 (83.0)
≥42 74 764 (7.2) 1878 (4.4) 20 410 (7.5) 757 (5.2)
Mean (SD) 39.4 (1.8) 38.3 (2.7) 39.4 (1.7) 38.8 (2.2)
Missing 1728 (0.2) 73 (0.2) 945 (0.3) 39 (0.3)

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); HDP, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.


For all variables, No. (%) and mean (SD) values are given only for offspring with no missing values to facilitate comparison by maternal HDP.