The KCC2 enhancer CLP257 reduced duration of ILDs. A, B, Extracellular field potential recordings in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer before (control), during and after application of CLP257 (1 and 30 μm for 1 h). Examples of ictal-like events in control and during application of 1 μm CLP257 (A, a1, a2) and 30 μm CLP257 (B, b1, b2). C–E, Summary plots of the frequency and mean duration of ILDs, and power of electrical activity in individual slices (open symbols) and corresponding group mean ± SD (filled symbols) before, during and after 1 μm (top plots) and 30 μm (bottom plots) CLP257 applications. CLP257 (1 μm) significantly reduced the mean duration of ILDs (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; paired sample t test). F, Effects of CLP257 on [Cl–]i as a function of time in n = 5 individual cell. G, H, Statistical histograms showing the effects of CLP257 (1 μm) on baseline [Cl–]i and decay time of chloride extrusion (*p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). CLP257 (1 μm) significantly accelerated extrusion rate (t1) of neuronal chloride during recurrent ILDs.