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. 2021 Mar 22;21:159. doi: 10.1186/s12893-021-01170-x

Table 1.

Demographics, tumour characteristics, and treatment of patients with DCIS

Characteristic Patients (n = 307) (%)
Age, years Median (range) 52 (21–82)
 ≤ 40 36 (11.7)
 > 40 and ≤ 60 201 (65.5)
 > 60 70 (22.8)
Preoperative characteristics
Tumour size, cm  ≤ 2 155 (50.5)
 > 2 and ≤ 5 124 (40.4)
 > 5 28 (9.1)
Palpability Non-palpable 234 (76.2)
Palpable 73 (23.8)
Mammographic calcification Present 192 (62.5)
Absent 115 (37.5)
Ultrasonic mass Present 198 (64.5)
Absent 109 (35.5)
Tumour location Upper-outer 105 (34.2)
Upper-inner 50 (16.3)
Lower-outer 60 (19.5)
Lower-inner 65 (21.2)
Multicentric 27 (8.8)
Biopsy method Core-needle biopsy 174 (56.7)
VABB 8 (2.6)
Excisional biopsy 125 (40.7)
Postoperative characteristics
Type of breast surgery BCS 145 (47.2)
TM 162 (52.8)
Type of axillary surgery None 105 (34.2)
SLNB only 198 (64.5)
SLNB and ALND 4 (1.3)
Upstaging to invasive cancer Yes 59 (19.2)
No 248 (80.8)
Axillary lymph node metastasis Positive 4 (1.3)
Negative 303 (98.7)
Permanent size of DCIS, cm  ≤ 2 156 (50.8)
2–5 124 (40.4)
 > 5 27 (8.8)
Permanent T stage pTis 248 (80.8)
pT1mic 5 (1.6)
pT1a–pT1c 51 (16.6)
pT2 3 (1.0)
Nuclear grade Low 67 (21.8)
Intermediate 150 (48.9)
High 90 (29.3)
Comedo necrosis Present 153 (49.8)
Absent 154 (50.2)
ER Positive 241 (78.5)
Negative 66 (21.5)
PR Positive 211 (68.7)
Negative 96 (31.3)
HER2 Negative 233 (75.9)
Positive 74 (24.1)
Ki-67 Low 181 (59.0)
High 126 (41.0)
Main type of DCIS Cribriform 125 (40.7)
Comedo 145 (47.2)
Solid 37 (12.1)

BCS breast-conserving surgery, DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ, ER oestrogen receptor, HER2 human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, PR progesterone receptor, SLNB sentinel lymph node biopsy, TM total mastectomy, VABB vacuum-assisted breast biopsy