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. 2021 Mar 9;11:612903. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.612903

Table 1.

Summary of descriptive characteristics of the included studies.

Study Population Intervention Outcomes
Authors, year (reference)/country Animal model a Treatment regimen b Dose; route Nanostructure platform Antitumor activity Toxicity analysis
Shukla et al. (25)/India Balb/c mice/n = 3/ Ten days from tumor inoculation; 100 mg/kg; Lipid based CPC-SNEDDS NPs (Phospholipid, castor oil, Tween 80, PEG 400); 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (58.9%); free Cur ↓TV (29.5%); p<0.001 (ND)
4T1/mouse/ Daily for 28 days Oral HD: 83.27 nm/PDI: 0.151;
(1 x 106 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: ZP: −16 mV/EE: 29.1%
subcutaneously on back skin gum acacia (1%, w/v).
Chen et al. (26)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 5/ TV of 200 mm3 5 mg/kg; Micelles NPs [POCA4C6 (phosphorylated calixarene) micelles—PM]; 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~60%) and ↓ TW (~80%); free Cur: ↓TV (~34%) and ↓ TW (~60%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs;
BT-549/human/ Fourteen days at every 2 days Intratumoral HD: 3.86 nm/PDI: 0.125; 2) Cur-NP ↑TNC and ↑TAP No WL; hematological indices: ~ control
(2 x 106 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP: −25.18 mV/EE: 95.4% 3) Cur-NP ↓CD44+ CD133+ cancer stem cells
Subcutaneously on the upper right thigh p<0.05
Mahalunkar et al. (27)/India, Germany, and Norway Balb/c mice/n = 6/ First day of treatment: (NM) 10 mg/kg; Metal gold NPs (CurAu-PVP) with folic acid (FA) (HAuCl4 and PVP polymer). 1) Cur-NP-FA ↓TV (~51%); free Cur: no ↓TV; p<0.006 (ND)
4T1/mouse/ Twice a week for 2 weeks Intratumoral HD: 358.7 nm/PDI: 0.6 2) Cur-NP-FA ↓TW (~44%); free Cur: no TV↓; p<0.05
(1 x 105 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP: −12.5 mV/EE: (NM)
Mammary fat pad
Alizadeh et al. (28)/Iran Balb/c mice/n = 8/ 14 days after tumor induction; Dose: (NM); Micelles/polymersomes NPs (PNP) [monomethoxy-PEG (mPEG 2000), oleic acid (OA)] 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~80%); p<0.05 31.25 mg/Kg of PNP-CUR: no damage in major organs;
Transplantation of spontaneous mouse mammary tumor/ Daily for 24 days Intraperitoneal HD: 99.44 nm/PDI: 0.182; 2) Cur-NP ↑TAP; ↓ANG (CD31); ↓PROL (Ki-67); p<0.05 Hematological and biochemical indices: ~ control
Pieces < 0.3 cm3/ ZP: −29.3 mV mV/EE: 64% p<0.05
Subcutaneous on the left flank
Jung et al. (29)/Republic of Korea Balb/c nude mice/n = 4/ TV of 50 mm3; 10 mg/kg; Micelle NPs (DSPE-PEG micelle with or without EGFR specific targeting—EGF-Cur-NP) 1) Cur-NP-EGFR ↓TV (~59.1%); Cur-NP no ↓TV; p<0.05 No WL
MDA-MB-468/human/ Three times a week; total of eight injections Intraperitoneal Cur-NP and EGF-Cur-NP: HD: 248.9 and 229.3 nm/PDI: 0.170 and 0.200, respectively p<0.05
(5 x 106 cells)/ Cur-NP and EGF-Cur-NP: ZP: −3.6 and −1.73 mV, respectively/EE: (NM)
Right shoulder
Wang et al. (30)/China Nuke mice/n = (NM)/ Two months after tumor induction; 1 × 10−3 M; Polymeric NPs (MPEG-PCL); 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~82%); free Cur:↓TV (~49%); p<0.01 (ND)
MDA-MB-231/human/ Daily for 2 weeks Intravenous HD: 139 nm/PDI: (NM); 2) Cur-NP ↑TAP
(1.5 x 106 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP and EE: (NM)
Laha et al. (31)/India and USA Balb/c mice/n =6/ Ten days after tumor induction; 2 mg/kg (*unclear); Metal organic frameworks NPs (IRMOF-3) with or without folic acid (FA) [(Zn (NO3)2; NH2-H2BDC] 1) Cur-NP-FA ↓TV (~61%); Cur-NP↓TV (~44%); p<0.05 Biochemical markers for liver and kidney: ~ control
4T1/mouse/ Every 5 days for 4 times Route of administration: (NM) HD: 371,7 nm/PDI: 0.397 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~74%); Cur-NP-FA ↓TW (~85%); p<0.05 p<0.05
(NM)/ ZP: −10.9 mV/EE: 98% 3) Cur-NP and Cur-NP-FA ↓ tumor cell density
Mammary fat pad
Vakilinezhad et al. (32)/Iran Sprague Dawley rats/n = 6/ Four months after tumor induction; 2.5 mg; Polymeric NPs (PLGA-PVA) 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~20%); Free Cur: ↓TV (~16%); p<0.05 (ND)
Chemically induced mammary tumors (MNU) Once a week for 4 weeks Intravenous HD: 92.4 nm/PDI: 0.150
- Free Cur vehicle: aqueous suspension ZP: −5.12 mV/EE: 89.4%
Yuan et al. (33)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 6/ TV of 100 mm3; 2.5 mg/kg; Polymeric NPs (mPEG- PLGA-Pglu) 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~28.0%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs;
MCF-7/human/ Every other day 4 times; total 18 d Intravenous HD: 228.5 nm/PDI: (NM) 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~22.5%); p<0.05 No WL
(3 x 106 cells)/ ZP: −23.8 mV/EE: 76.9% 3) Cur-NP ↓breast cancer stem cells (~62%); p<0.05 p<0.05
Right flank
Sahne et al. (34)/Iran Balb/c mice/n = 4/ TV of 50–100 mm3; 4 mg/kg; Graphene oxide NPs (GO NPs with CMC, PVP, PEG, FA); 1) Cur-NP-FA↓TV (~86%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs;
4T1/mouse/ Daily for a total 3 weeks Intravenous HD: ~60 nm/PDI: (NM) 2) Cur-NP-FA ↓TW (~76%); p<0.05 No WL
(NM)/ ZP: −48 mV/EE: 94% 3) Cur-NP-FA ↑ ST and ↓ metastasis; p<0.05 p<0.05
Subcutaneous on the flank 4) Cur-NP-FA: ↑TNC; ↓ cell density; ↓ANG (CD31, CD34); ↑ pro-inflammatory response in the tumor microenvironment; p<0.05
Ji et al. (35)/China Balb/c mice/n = 5/ First day of treatment: (NM); 5 mg/kg; Nanocrystals NPs with or without HA 1) Cur-NP-HA ↓TV (~86%); Cur-NP↓TV (~39%); free Cur: ↓TV (~21%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs; no WL;
4T1/mouse/ Every 2 days for a total 10 days Intravenous Cur-NP and HA-Cur-NP: HD: 101.4 and 161.9 nm/PDI: ~0.330 and 0.250, respectively 2) Cur-NP-HA ↓TW (~75%);
Cur-NP↓TW (~37.5%); Free Cur: ↓TW (~25%); p<0.05
No hemolysis (<5%);
(1 x 106 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) HA-Cur-NP: ZP: −25.0 mV, respectively/EE: (NM) 3) ↑ ST: Cur-NP-HA > Cur-NP > Free Cur; p<0.05 Hematological and biochemical indices: ~ healthy control
Subcutaneous on the right flank p<0.05
He et al. (36)/China Balb/c mice/n = 6/ TV of 100 mm3 5mg/kg; Polymeric micellar NPs [amphiphilic diblock copolymer— mPEG-b-PLG (Se)-TP]; 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~65%); Free Cur: ↓TV (~49%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs; no WL
4T1/mouse/ Every 4 days, for 4 times; total 21 days Intravenous HD: 136 nm/PDI: 0.071 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~82%); free Cur: ↓TW (~62%); p<0.05 p<0.05
(1 x 106 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP: (NM)/EE: ~ 68% 3) Cur-NP ↑TNC and ↑TAP; ↓ANG (CD31); ↓PROL (Ki-67); p<0.05
Subcutaneous on the right back
Jin et al. (37)/China and USA Balb/c nude mice/n = 5/ 7 days after tumor induction; 5 mg/kg; Polymeric NPs with or without EGFR-targeting peptides (GE11) (PLGA-PEG); 1) Cur-NP-GE11 and Cur-NP ↓TV (~80%); free Cur: no TV↓; p<0.05 Inflammatory cytokine levels: ~ healthy mice
MCF-7/human/ Every 24 h for 20 times Intravenous HD: 210 nm/PDI: 0.112; 2) Cur-NP-GE11↓TW (~56%); Cur-NP ↓TW (~48%); free Cur: no TW↓; p<0.05 p<0.05
(1 x 107 cells)/ ZP: −22 mV/EE: 92.3 3) Cur-NP-GE11and Cur-NP ↑TAP
Subcutaneous on the dorsal flank - Free Cur vehicle: (NM)
Abd-Ellatef et al. (38)/Italy and Egypt Balb/c mice/n = 8/ TV of 50 mm3; 5 mg/kg; Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) with or without chitosan (CS) coating (cholesterol; trilaurin, butyl lactate, Epikuron®200, Cremophor®RH60, sodium taurocholate, Pluronic® F68); 1) Cur-NP-CS and Cur-NP ↓TV (~35%); Free Cur: no TV↓; p<0.01 Biochemical indices: ~ control
JC/mouse/ Thrice (on day 1st, 7th, 14th) Intravenous HD: < 200 nm/PDI: (NM) p<0.05
(1 x 107 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle:
10% v/v DMSO suspension
ZP: (NM)/EE: 70–75%
Mammary fat pad
Li et al. (39)/China Balb/c mice/n = 4/ Tumor diameter of 4 mm; 8 mg/kg; Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with hyaluronan (MSN-HA) or polyethyleneimine-folic acid (MSN-PEI-FA). 1) Cur-NP-PEI-HA ↓TV (~50%); Free Cur: no TV↓; p<0.01 No damage in major organs; no WL;
MDA-MB-231/human/ Every 3 days for a total of six times Intravenous HD: < 300 nm/PDI: (NM)/ 2) Cur-NP-PEI-HA ↓TW (~70%); free Cur: no TW↓; p<0.01 Hemolysis (<5%);
(1 x 107 cells)/ - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP: ~ −20 mV (MSN-HA);
~ +40 mV (MSN-PEI-FA)
Biochemical indices: ~ healthy control
Subcutaneous p<0.05
Kundu et al. (40)/India Swiss albine mice/n = 6/ Ten days after induction; 10 mg/kg; Metal NPs [Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) with PBA]; 1) Cur-NP↓TV (~77%); free Cur: ↓TV (~66%); p<0.05 No damage in the liver and kidney;
Ehrlish ascites carcinoma cells/ Alternate days for 14 days. Intravenous HD: 413.63 nm/PDI: (NM) 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~72%); free Cur: ↓TW (~50%); p<0.05 Biochemical markers: ~control; ↓ tumor-induced splenomegaly
(1.0 x 107/ml) - Free Cur vehicle: (NM) ZP: −16.4 mV/EE: 27% 3) Cur-NP and free Cur: ↑TAP; p<0.05 p<0.05
Left flank
Lv et al. (41)/China Kunming (mice)/n = 6/ TV of 300 mm3; 10 mg/kg; Polymeric NPs (PEG-PCDA) with or without biotin; 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~69%); Cur-NP-biotin ↓TV (~79%); free Cur: ↓TV (~32%); p<0.05 no WL
EMT6/mouse/ Daily for 9 days; total 14 days Intravenous PEG-PCDA and biotin-PEG-PCDA: HD: 94.2 and 125.1 nm/PDI: 0.170 and 0.08, respectively 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~70%); Cur-NP-biotin ↓TW (~85%); free Cur: ↓TW (~25%); p<0.05 p<0.05
(1.0 x 107/ml) - Free Cur vehicle: cremophor EL: dehydrated alcohol (1:1, v/v) and diluted with physiological saline PEG-PCDA and biotin-PEG-PCDA: ZP: −9.56 and −12.86 mV/EE: (NM) 3) Cur-NP and Cur-NP-biotin: ↑TNC and ↑TAP; ↓ANG (CD31; VEGF; COX-2); ↓PROL (Ki-67); p<0.05
Yang et al. (42)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 5 TV of 200 mm3 10 mg/kg; Micelle NPs (triblock copolymer PPBV); 1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~58.5%, day 12); ↓TV (~28.9%, day 20); p<0.05 No WL
MCF-7/human/ Every other day for 5 times; total 20 days Intravenous HD: 6.7 nm/PDI: 0.117 2) Cur-NP ↓TW (~22%, day 20); p<0.05 p<0.05
(1 x 107 cells)/ ZP: −1.42 mV/EE: 68.5%
Subcutaneous on the flank - Free Cur vehicle: (NM)
Yang et al. (43)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 5/ TV of 200 mm3 15 mg/kg; Hybrid NPs [PLGA NPs coated with a modified hialuronic acid (HA-hybrid)] 1) Cur-NP-HA ↓TV (~43.8%, day 12); ↓TV (~24%, day 20); p<0.05 No WL
MCF-7/human/ Every other day for 5 times; total 20 days Intravenous HD: 350 nm/PDI: (NM) 2) Cur-NP-HA ↓TW (~22%, day 20); p<0.05 p<0.05
(1 x 107 cells)/ ZP: −22 mV/EE: 32% 3) Cur-NP-HA ↓tumor cell density; p<0.05
Subcutaneous on the flank - Free Cur vehicle: (NM)
Greish et al. (44)/Bahrain Balb/c mice/n = 5/ TV of 100 mm3; 10 and 20 mg/kg; Micelles (curcumin–metal complex and SMA) 1) Cur-NP-10mg/Kg ↓TV (~61%);
Cur-NP-20mg/Kg ↓TV (~92%); p<0.05
4T1/mouse/ frequency of treatment: unclear; total 10 days Intravenous HD: 248 nm/PDI: 0.274;
(1 x 106 cells)/ ZP: −11 mV/EE: 80%
Bilaterally on the flanks
Mukerjee et al. (45)/USA Balb/c nude mice/n = 8/ TV of 70 mm3; 20 mg/kg; Polymeric NPs [PLGA/PVA with or without antibody targeting (AnxA2)] 1) Cur-NP- AnxA2 ↓TV (~44.0%); Cur-NP ↓TV (~33.5%); p<0.05 No WL
MCF10CA1a/human/ Thrice week for a total 30 days Intravenous Cur-NP and AnxA2-Cur-NP: HD: 150 and 157 nm/PDI: ~0.240 and 0.200, respectively 2) Cur-NP- AnxA2 ↓TW (~53.0%); Cur-NP ↓TW (~30%); p<0.05 p<0.05
(3 x 106 cells)/ Cur-NP and AnxA2-Cur-NP: ZP: −27.5 and −28.5 mV, respectively/EE: 89.2% 3) Cur-NP- AnxA2 and Cur-NP: ↓ANG; ↓ NFkβ; ↓PROL (Ki-67); p<0.05
Mukhopadhyay et al. (46)/India Balb/c nude mice/n = 5/ 8 days after induction; 20 mg/kg Polymeric NPs [PLGA/PVA with or without folate (F)] 1) Cur-NP-F ↓TV (~90%); Cur-NP↓TV (~75%); p<0.05 No damage in major organs
MDA-MB-231/human/ Thrice week for a total 21 days Route of administration: unclear HD: 170 nm/PDI: 0.186; 2) Cur-NP-F ↓TW (~92%); Cur-NP↓TW (~61.5%); p<0.05 p<0.05
(5 x 106 cells)/ ZP: −28.2 mV/EE: 68.6% 3) Cur-NP-F and Cur-NP ↓ cell density
Right flank
Yu et al. (47)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 5/ TV of 100–400 mm3; 40 mg/kg Micelles NPs (MPEG-PLA with or without PAE) 1) Cur-NP-PAE ↓TV (~65.6%); Cur-NP ↓TV (~47.1%); p<0.05 no WL
MCF-7/human/ Every other day for 5 times for a total 24 days Intravenous HD: 128.4 nm to 171.0 nm/
PDI: 0.118 to 0.134
2) Cur-NP-PAE ↓TW (~76%);
Cur-NP ↓TW (~53%); p<0.05
(3 x 106 cells)/ ZP: −2.0 to +4.0 mV/
EE: 96.5 to 98.8%
Subcutaneously right flank
Huang et al. (48)/China Balb/c mice/n = 5/ TV of 40–50 mm3/ 50 mg/kg Polymeric NPs (HA-CHEMS); pH-sensitive   1) Cur-NP ↓TV (~38%); p<0.05 ↓ Damage in major organs
4T1/mouse/ Every 2 days for a total of 5 times Intravenous HD: 144 nm/PDI: (NM); 2) Cur-NP ↑ ST; no WL
(NM)/ ZP: −21.25 mV/EE: (NM) 3) Cur-NP ↑TNC and ↑TAP p<0.05
Shiri et al. (49)/Iran Balb/c mice/n = 9/ Third day after tumor induction/ 40 mg/kg or 80 mg/kg Dendrosome NPs (DNC) [composition: not mentioned (patent number: 71753)] 1) NP-40mg/Kg ↓TV (~72%); NP-80mg/Kg ↓TV (~76%); p<0.05 no WL
4T1/mouse/ daily for 35 consecutive days Route of administration: (NM) HD; PD; ZP; EEI: (NM) 2) NP-40mg/Kg ↓TV (~61%); NP-80mg/Kg ↓TV (~64%); p<0.05 No change in food intake and behavior
(1 x 106 cells)/ 3) NP ↑ ratio of M1/M2 macrophages p<0.05
left flank
Lin et al. (50)/China Balb/c nude mice/n = 6/ First day of treatment: (NM)/ Dose: (NM)/ Lipid based NPs (NLC) with or without folate (FA) coating (PEG-DSPE, soya lecithin, castor oil, Tween 80, Precirol ATO-5); 1) Cur-NP-FA ↓TV (~83%); Cur-NP ↓TV (~66%); free Cur: ↓TV (~31%); No WL
MCF-7/human/ once every 3 days for 15 days Intravenous HD: 126.8 nm/PDI: 0.16 p<0.05
  (NM)/   ZP: +12.6 mV/EE: 82.7%    
Subcutaneous in the right armpit - Free Cur vehicle: (NM)

Animal type/replicates/cell type injected/source/cell concentration/local of cell insertion;


First day of treatment (or tumor volume)/treatment frequence and total experiment time; ANG, angiogenesis; CHEMS, cholesteryl hemisuccinate; CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose; CPC-SNEDDS, curcumin-phospholipid complex self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems; Cur, curcumin; d, days; DSPE, distearoyl phosphatidyl- ethanolamine; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; FA, folic acid; HA, hyaluronic acid; MNU, N-methyl nitroso urea; mPEG-b-PLG (Se)-TP, poly-(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-glutamic acid)-two-photon AIE fluorophores [mPEG-b-PLG (Se)-TP] amphiphilic copolymer with selenide group (Se) conjugated and a two-photon AIE fluorogen (TP) on the terminal group of PLG segments.; MPEG-PCL, methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)-polycaprolactone; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa b; NH2-H2BDC, 2-amino terephthalic acid; (ND), not determined; (NM), not mentioned; NPs, nanoparticles; PAE, poly (b-aminoester; PBA, phenyl boronic acid; PCDA, pentacosadiynoic acid; PEG, poly(ethylene glycol); PGlu, poly L-glutamic acid; PLA, polylactic-co-glycolic acid; PPBV, mPEG-PBLA-PVIm triblock copolymer; PROL, tumor proliferation; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol; PVP, polyvinylpyrrolidone; SMA, poly(styrene)-co-maleic acid; ST, survival time; TAP, tumor apoptosis; TNC, tumor necrosis; TV, tumor volume; TW, tumor weight; WL, weight loss.