Fig 4. Ccdc113 and Ccdc96 form a complex positioned between N-DRC, RS3, and IDA g.
(A) Slice through a subvolume extracted from a filtered tomogram showing the 96-nm repeat (square). (B) 3D isosurface rendering of 96-nm repeat average obtained from wild-type Tetrahymena axonemes. (C) 3D isosurface rendering of 96-nm repeat average from CCDC96-coDel axonemes. (D, H, L) show the isosurface rendering structure of the Ccdc96/Ccdc113 complex (in orange) in wild-type axonemes. (D) Cross-sectional view. (H) Longitudinal view from the position of the neighboring MTd. (L) Longitudinal view from the position of the central pair (E, I, M) show tomographic slices through D, H, and L, respectively, at the positions indicated by the magenta, green and blue squared and lines in D, H, and L. (F, J, N) show the corresponding tomographic slices through the reconstruction of the CCDC96-coDel mutant, and the absence of the Ccdc96/Ccdc113 complex density. (G, K, O) show the corresponding tomographic slices through the reconstruction of the CCDC113-KO mutant, and, also in this case, the absence of the Ccdc96/Ccdc113 complex density. (E-G, I-K, M-O) Each tomographic digital section is accompanied by a corresponding segmented copy (bottom panels) with the Ccdc96/Ccdc113 complex colored in orange (and orange arrowheads), the N-DRC in navy blue, the IDA in pink and the radial spokes in cyan. Labels: RS1 to RS3–radial spokes 1 to 3; IDA a, b, c, d, e, g–inner dynein arms a, b, c, d, e, g; IC/LC–intermediate chain/light chain of the inner dynein arm l1/f, fα, fβ-heavy chains α, β of inner dynein l1/f; N-DRC–nexin-dynein regulatory complex; ODA–outer dynein arms. IDAs are named according to [7].