(a) Lipidic cubic phase (LCP) crystals of C1C2 optimized for the time-resolved SFX (TR-SFX) experiments. The orange scale bar on the lower right indicates 50 μm, with 5 μm sub-scaling lines. The size of the crystals ranged from 2 to 5 μm. (b) A diffraction image from a C1C2 crystal, obtained with a single SACLA-XFEL pulse. (c) The structure of dark state C1C2 determined by serial femtosecond crystallography. A water accessible cavity is illustrated, with the putative ion pathway indicated by an arrow. The five glutamic acid residues lining the ion pore (E1–5) and the two counterion residues (Ci1 and Ci2) are indicated by sticks, and the three constriction sites, the inner, central, and outer gates, are enclosed in boxes. (d) Comparisons of the constriction sites of the TR-SFX structure (left panels) and the synchrotron structure (right panels; PDB code 3UG9) of C1C2, for the inner (upper panels), central (middle panels), and outer (lower panels) gates. The constituent residues are shown as sticks, and the TM helix number is indicated on each helix.