(A–H) R8 axons in medulla at phase 1 (A–D) and phase 2 (E–H) were visualized with GFP (green) counterstained by anti-N-cadherin (magenta in A-D, blue in E-H) and 24B10 (red in E-H) in control (A, E) and R cell-specific loss- of-function of gogo (B, F), fmi (C, G), and gogo, fmi double (D, H). Compared to the gogo single LOF mutant, gogo/fmi double LOF mutants showed much milder bundling and invasion defects in phase 2 (arrows). (I–L) Mutual rescue between gogo and fmi was tested during phase 1 (third larva). R8-specific gogo or fmi loss-of-function clones were generated by heterozygote mutation with R8-specific RNAi. R8-specific expression of Gogo or Fmi was driven by the sensFLP, GMR-FsF-Gal4. R8 axons were visualized with mCD8GFP (green), and counterstained with anti-N-cadherin (magenta). Expression of Gogo or Fmi in the loss-of-function of the other gene did not show any functional rescue (K–L). (M–P) The expression of Gogo was downregulated using RNAi in the Fmi overexpression background. The gogo RNAi and fmi transgeneswere expressed by sensFLP; GMR-FsF-Gal4 driver. R8 axons were labeled with UAS-mCD8GFP (green). In wild type (M), R8 axons do not bundle each other and target M3 layer. In gogo knockdown (N) or Fmi overexpression (O), few bundling of the R8 axons (arrows in N-O) was found in the adult stage, and the phenotype was enhanced by combining them (arrows in P). Scale bars 10 μm.