NIR physician |
Confirm page was received, prepare for procedure. |
Pediatric anesthesia attending physician |
Go to NIR procedure area, prepare for case. |
Pediatric anesthesia resident physician |
Assess patient and obtain consent for anesthesia. |
Operating room nurse |
Schedule case if presenting from off-site. |
Adult anesthesia attending physician |
Aware of case, assist with anesthesia resource allocation. |
Pediatric ICU attending physician |
Transport patient to NIR procedure suite. |
Medical Transporter |
Assist as needed with patient transport to NIR suite. |
Pediatric ICU fellow |
Be aware of possible admission for stroke. |
Pediatric ICU charge nurse |
Be aware of possible admission for stroke. |
Pediatric neurology resident physician |
Notify providers, escort family to appropriate location. |
Pediatric neurology attending physician |
Notify providers, escort family to appropriate location. |
Diagnostic neuroradiology physician |
Immediate review of neuroimaging as it is acquired. |