Table 2.
Prevalence and adjusted odds of heroin use over 17 years as a function of medical use and nonmedical misuse history of prescription opioids during adolescence
Baseline opioid exposure (modal age 18) | All baseline cohorts (1976–2000) Heroin use ages 19 to 35 |
Older baseline cohorts (1976–1996) Heroin use ages 19 to 35 |
Recent baseline cohorts (1997–2000) Heroin use ages 19 to 35 |
% | AOR (95% CI)a | % | AOR (95% CI)a | % | AOR (95% CI)a | |
b(n = 8449) | c(n = 8143) | b(n = 7390) | b(n = 7117) | b(n = 1059) | b(n = 939) |
All analyses control for race/ethnicity (i.e., White, Black, Hispanic, Other race), sex (i.e., Male and Female), highest level of parental education, geographic region (i.e., Northeast, Northcentral, South and West), metropolitan statistical area (i.e., large MSA, other MSA, and non-MSA), and baseline cohort year, and baseline measures of past two week binge drinking, past 30 day marijuana use, and past 30 day cigarette use.
Sample size varies based on cohorts, attrition in the panel sample and missing data on the control variables (sample sizes are unweighted). Individuals who reported any lifetime heroin use at baseline (modal age 18) were excluded (n = 179). A random one-sixth of the overall panel sample received the questions regarding medical and nonmedical prescription opioid use. All percentages and adjusted odds ratios (AOR) use attrition weights at age 35.