Table 2.
Correlations between SF-36 physical functioning scores and aspects of PEM (N = 1534).
Items | Correlation with SF-36 |
Immediate PEM onset frequency | −.17** |
Delayed PEM onset frequency | −.04 |
Length of delayed onset | −.04 |
How often do basic activities of daily living trigger PEM | −.45** |
How often do positional changes trigger PEM | −.37** |
How often do emotional events trigger PEM | −.18** |
Total illness burden | −.39** |
Length of prolonged duration | −.29** |
How often is severity out-of-proportion to type of exertion | −.23** |
How often is severity out-of-proportion to intensity of exertion | −.23** |
How often is severity out-of-proportion to frequency of exertion | −.21** |
How often is severity out-of-proportion to duration of exertion | −.24** |
Pacing effectiveness | .18** |
PEM: post-exertional malaise; SF-36: Short-Form Health Survey-36.
Items have been transformed to continuous variables based on time periods selected by the participant or frequency score.
p < .01.