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. 2021 Mar 9;23(3):e24945. doi: 10.2196/24945

Table 3.

Model fit statistics.a

Model Chi-square (df) χ2/df RMSEAb CFIc SRMRd
Measurement model

Model 1: Baseline (2-factor)e 1149.1 (303) 3.79 0.072 0.86 0.059

Model 2. Revised (3-factor)f 904.8 (296) 3.06 0.062 0.90 0.052

Model 3: Revised + correlated error 638.0 (290) 2.20 0.047 0.94 0.049
Structural model

Model 1: Baseline conceptual 923.0 (343) 2.69 0.056 0.91 0.081

Model 2: Revised 931.7 (351) 2.65 0.055 0.91 0.083

aRecommended cutoff points for model fit indices [46-48]: SRMR of <0.08; RMSEA of <0.08; CFI of >0.90 (ideally CFI of ≥0.95); χ2/df of <3. Hu and Bentler [47] suggest a 2-index presentation strategy, recommending a RMSEA of 0.06 or lower and a SRMR of 0.09 or lower.

bRMSEA: root mean square error of approximation.

cCFI: comparative fit index.

dSRMR: standardized root mean residual.

e2-factor: active seeking and scanning channels.

f3-factor: searching, browsing, and scanning channels.