Physiological effect of drought stress on genotypic means (and standard deviation) across all three species. (A) Estimated total CO2 assimilation, based on the area under the LiCOR curves across the entire diel cycle, for both hybrid and parental genotypes under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. (B) Estimated total CO2 assimilation based on the area under the LiCOR curves at night only, for both hybrid and parental genotypes under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. (C) Leaf acid accumulation under well-watered conditions (W) vs. drought-stressed conditions (D), with genotypic mean and one standard deviation. Dashed line indicates equal values under both conditions; genotypes that fall above or below indicate that greater or lower amounts of acid, respectively, were accumulated under drought stress than under well-watered conditions. (D) Comparison of the change in night-time CO2 assimilation induced by drought stress (x-axis) to the change in leaf acid accumulation induced by drought (y-axis). Quadrants are labelled with the phenotype observed.