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. 2020 Dec 6;22(4):e13151. doi: 10.1111/obr.13151


Summary table of included studies with descriptive themes from thematic synthesis

Study information Descriptive themes
Study name Country GP and/or nurse Study type, e.g., focus groups Lack of confidence in treatments Lack of confidence in patients' ability to follow treatments Awkward nature of discussing weight Lack of knowledge/skills Lack of resources/competition for resources Not GPs' or nurses' responsibility Stigma
Mercer and Tessier 11 UK 10 GPs 10 nurses Interviews after survey
Huang et al. 31 US 24 GPs Focus groups
Douglas et al. 32 SCO 10 nurses Interviews after questionnaire
Epstein and Ogden 33 UK 21 GPs Interviews
Ribera et al. 24 ESP 33 GPs and Nurses Interviews and focus groups
Forman‐Hoffman et al. 34 US Seven GPs Focus groups
Alexander et al. 35 US 17 GPs Focus groups
Brown et al. 36 UK 15 GPs Interviews after survey
Leverence et al. 37 US 14 GPs and nine nurses Interviews
Ampt et al. 28 AUS 15 GPs and one nurse Interviews (after prevention trial)
Ali et al. 38 UAE 15 GP and five nurse Interviews (new sample)
Jochemsen‐van der Leeuw et al. 39 NL 13 GP trainees and 12 trainers Focus groups (new sample)
Hansson et al. 40 SWE 10 GPs and 10 nurses Interviews
Heintze et al. 41 DEU 15 GPs Interviews
Derksen et al. 42 NL 12 GPs and three nurses Interviews and focus groups
Gudzune et al. 30 US 24 GPs and two nurses Focus groups (after obesity trial) ‘✓
Gunther et al. 43 UK Seven GPs and seven nurses Interviews
Nolan et al. 26 UK 22 nurses Interviews
Sonntag et al. 44 DEU 15 GPs Interviews ✓.
Phillips et al. 45 UK 18 nurses Interviews
Claridge et al. 46 NZ 12 GPs Interviews
Blackburn et al. 47 UK 17 GPs and 17 nurses Interviews
Kim et al. 48 AUS 12 GPs Interviews
Teixeira et al. 4 PRT 16 GPs Interviews
Ashman et al. 29 AUS 12 GPs Interviews
Antognoli et al. 27 US Nine GPs Interviews with most knowledgeable GP trainers after survey
Asselin et al. 49 CAN 15 nurses Interviews (participants from obesity trial)
Glenister et al. 50 AUS Seven GPs and seven patients Interviews
Lee et al. 25 SGP 50 GPs Interviews and focus groups
Total 17 17 22 15 13 16 7

Abbreviation: GP, general practitioner.